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My new, nameless CAG!


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My baby bird finally arrived. Ok, so it's not exactly a baby but it's still awfully cute. It's currently hanging upside down by one leg from the curtain rail. As you do.

I am amazed at how quickly it has learned to speak. When it came yesterday afternoon it could only say hello, but it's saying all kinds of things now. It has also learned to miaow, and copy the clicker I use to tell it it's being naughty. Not surprised about that though :lol: It also went from screeching and biting seven shades of s**t out of me for the first few hours to demanding to be tickled on the head every ten minutes as of today.

Oh, I'm ever so pleased.<br><br>Post edited by: kukushka, at: 2008/06/04 23:59



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It's definitely more than a few months old. It has grey eyes. I have a picture!




It's a scruffy little thing, not very tidy but hey - neither am I.

I am fully in lurve. But for the life of me I cannot think of a good name. I thought maybe looking at it would spring a name to mind but so far the only words that spring forward are "no!" "off there!" and "don't chew that!"

Oh well. Maybe it'll choose its own name from watching the TV. Ooh I found out a really interesting fact about birds today. People see at a rate of 16 frames per second, and film and TV run at 25 frames per second, which is why they appear to move when we watch them. Birds see at up to 170 frames per second, so TV appears as a still image to them. Weird.

Oh! It's fallen asleep on the window frame. How perfectly adorable.

Thank you for being happy for me!

xxx<br><br>Post edited by: kukushka, at: 2008/06/05 00:06


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What a beautiful bird! So you don't know how old? What's the story of how you got him?


I have a list of names with meanings included if you'd like to see it. I've been doing a lot of name research as I have a baby and he/she still has no name! Poor thing.<br><br>Post edited by: Pchela, at: 2008/06/05 00:11

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I got it from a pet shop that in turn get their birds from a breeder down in England. I have to admit the pet shop owner did tell me how old it is, but I was so busy cooing and ogling that I only caught the word “months” which is pretty bad of me. I went in to the pet shop as part of my research into where would be a good place to get a Grey. I asked them lots of questions and it turned out they knew everything there is to know about parrots and all the staff keep Greys themselves! I fell in love with the birdie they had in the shop and I took it home the other day. It’s a darling little thing. I love it to death.

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Congrats on getting your baby grey and it is still a baby even if only just months old, mine is still considered a baby at 2 years of age but yours is definitely a baby with those dark eyes. It is a beautiful grey even if it is a little scruffy looking and I'm sure a name will come to mind very soon, thanks for sharing a pic with us.B)

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Very Pretty Bird !!!Congratulations .Yes those dark eyes , indicate he is young .

So excited that you finally have one of your own .Did he not have a name at the pet shop ? My CAG came with his name which I would have never chosen (SAMMY) but it's OK , he is a sweetie and we call him Sammy Whammy , so now he says "Sammy Whammy Good Boy " , It is so funny , as he is also . They really bring so much love , joy and humor in our homes.That is really a beautiful pictue of him on the window sill and the building behind , it would be a beautiful picture blown up on your wall.

Love to hear more about the little guy , so keep us posted .Mary<br><br>Post edited by: bettyboop, at: 2008/06/05 03:14

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Okay, here are some of the names I've found so far. Feel free to use one if you like it! I'm still looking so I'll post any other appropriate names if I find any. Most of these have something to do with a bird or grey or red. Hope you find something!


Pheonix - Red (and a mythical bird)

Efron- Singing Bird

Altair –the flyer (brightest star in constellation Aquila.

Aquila – Eagle

Gavin - White Falcon, little falcon

Rowan - little red one

Adler- Eagle. Man of keen perception.

Arnett – Little Eagle

Aderyn- a bird

Circe (KeerKay) – Latin form of Kirke meaning bird. Sorceress who changed Odysseus’s men into hogs.

Kirke (KearKay) Male form. Greek form of Circe.

Oberon- The boy's name Oberon \o-be-ron\ is of Old German origin, and its meaning is "royal bear". From Auberon. Literary: the King of the Fairies in Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream"

Auberon - The boy's name Auberon \a(u)-be-ron\ is of Old German origin, and its meaning is "noble or royal bear".

Siren- half bird half woman.

Riordan- bard, minstrel

Bard- Minstrel, singer, poet

Greeley- Grey meadow

Graydon-son of grey haired one/Gavin

Grayson- Son of grey haired man

Floyd - Grey Haired

Ferrand- Grey Haired

Blanford- Grey Mans Ford

Dorian (Picture of Dorian Grey)

Griswold- Grey Woods

Gandalf- the Grey

Mithrandir_ Grey Wanderer

Mithland- Grey Havens

Mithril- Sparkling Grey

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Oh Congratulations! He's adorable. I remember when mine was the young, so cute! I think they're all sorta scruffy when they're younger since they're coming into their own.

Like Tari said, give the shop a call. They should be able to remind you about his age, and probably give you the hatch date, if you're interested, since they deal with the breeder.

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