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Me and Jasper

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My wife and partner for the past 4 years passed away last August. She had a grey named Jasper (6 years old I believe) who i still have and care for. I have read that grey's can sometimes only "latch on" or like one person for their entire lives. I have been giving Jasper much more attention lately and trying to get him to stop trying to bite me (I have scars!). Some days are better than others.


has anyone else gone through this and if so, what were your methods?


I love the bird, he just doesn;t love me back much! I have read quite a bit just today and it looks like he may need even more attention and exercise than what he's been getting. It's hard to let him out of his cage for exercise cause he won't go on my hand to go back in without making me bleed first.


Help Me!



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Hello Eric and welcome to the family, so glad you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Jasper.


I am so sorry to hear about your loss of your wife and partner, please accept my condolenses but yes a lot of greys do bond with one person for life but that does not mean you cannot have a good relationship with Jasper too. And who knows he may come to regard you as his one and only in time.


Continue to talk to him and spend lots of time with him and eventually he may come around. He has lost the one he was bonded with, the only one who could handle him with ease but with a lot of time and patience he can be persuaded to hold you in higher regard than he does right now.


Continue to read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Jasper you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Thanks Judy. I've been browsing the forums and have learned alot already. Great resource. Sound sto me like I need to pick up a few things to try and feed Jasper as special treats and toys to play with as well. Are there any fruits or veggies that are not good for a bird, or a grey particularly? In addition, what are some foods that almost all of them seem to like the most?


Again, thanks for the response and kind words,



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I am so sorry to hear about your wife. It must be a terrible time both for you and for Jasper. It will take time, because he has to get over the loss of his owner too.


As for letting him out for exercise. If you let him out before he eats in the morning on a weekend or a day you have time on your hands, he should go back into the cage himself when he is hungry enough. This might help you until you can get him to step up without biting you.

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Eric welcome here :)


I am so sorry to hear about your wife.


I am not a grey owner, but what I would advise you is first of all to keep talking to him -talk, talk, talk and... talk. I wouldn't try to handle him until he is very used and comfortable with my voice. I would make sure he is totally trusting me before I'd stick my hand in.


This Eric, is not advise based on experience but only my instinctive reaction ;)

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Guest Skuffy

Ive just lost my son, April just gone.max used to let my Mrs pat his head and tickle his beak,since My boy died tho MAx has been getting worse with my Lady,he kind of really hates her now.He think she has hurt me as he seen me cry when she was next to me.he lunge at her and pulls her hair if she stands near me.I really hope this stops as she is getting sick of it now.I take him to her and talk very sweet to her stroke her hair just to show him she is ok,he puffs up big as if to say c`mon lets move away from her...:( HELP!!!

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Eric, welcome. I am so sorry for your loss. Both you and your grey are grieving. It will take him probably longer than you to adjust. He doesn't understand where she is. Please stay patient, and loving as you are to him. I hope we can help you here. Please feel free to ask away. The bonding process for you will take a long time maybe, but it will be so worth it, and your wife will be very happy as she looks down and sees you two. :(

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