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Greetings and Salutions!

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Hello everyone,


I am new to this forum and I am excited about hearing from others and contributing in the future. I am a bird lover and pretty much have been for quite some time. Our family consists of a dog, 2 young boys, cockatiels and budgies. A new arrival to our nest will be a young weaned TAG late in June/early July 2008. We reside in San Diego, CA. whether the weather is always perfect. My hobbies/activies include: aviculture, ocean conservation, marine life conservation, ocean activities and sports (surfing, sea kayaking, ocean swimming and SCUBA). Despite being a single father, my life is rich - love from everyone in our family.


I am in the IT profession and I am proud to have used my skills or knowledge on something personal and fun. Just recently, I created a "bird bunch" page as an offshoot of my personal website (http://www.cdelatorre.com). It has a little bio of each feathered friend and a bird cam for myself and others. When the new arrival, the TAG, comes home I'll make sure to post info on him/her.


Looking forward to my involvement on this forum.


Carlos (cdelatorrejr)<br><br>Post edited by: cdelatorrejr, at: 2008/06/03 21:34

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Hello Carlos and welcome to the family, so glad you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your new Tag.


Sounds like you have a full and active life and plenty of outside activities and now about to add a grey to your life which will add to the fun and will enrich your life even further.


I will check out your personal website and I am envious of those who are knowledgeable in the workings of the computer as I use one but don't understand a lot of what makes them tick.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will do our best to find you some answers and help you in any way we can.


When you get the chance to get some pictures of your new Tag if you would share some of them with us we would love to see it.

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Hi Carlos, welcome here :) Wow... that's is a great website you got there! I am impressed.

(could help but read about the sharks though.. Although in principle I agree with you the attack only two days after that written piece sure proved the words of your friend wrong.

(sorry about going off topic, but I am quite mystified by sharks and impressed by them at the same time and this just caught my attention) :blush:

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