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Unsure about getting leg band


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I am new to the grey forum and I wanted to let everyone know I just put a deposit for a TAG and expecting to bring it home within the month. I am so excited I can't sit still. I can't remember a time when I didn't want an AG. I was asked by the breeder whether or not I wanted the TAG banded. I understand the purpose of the band and agree it is a great way to track or identify the AG but I am concerned about the TAG's comfort, hazards and health concerns. I am considering having him/her microchipped as an alternative. Can anyone give me advice, pros and cons about either option? Thanks in advance.

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I opted not to put the leg band on my grey, I am keeping the band along with the hatch certificate but I have heard sometimes it causes problems and has to be cut off so why put it on in the first place.


I do not have Josey microchipped but some of the members here do have theirs chipped and they have had no problems with them, I'm sure some of them will chime in with their opinions and thoughts on it for you.


In the meantime why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little about you and this new Tag.:)

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I have 4 greys, My two girls, who are both re-homes do have leg rings, my two boys do not have leg rings but are microchipped.I know the rings can irritate some greys & they can get them caught while playing.It really is a personal choice.As for ID purposes, if god forbid your grey was ever lost wearing a leg ring will make no difference if your grey was to fall in the hands of a dishonest person.

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If you're gettin the TAG in about 1 to 1 1/2 month old, I assume that the bird is about 1 month old right now. That means that it's too late for the solid unclipped band to be put on. That can only be done approx within the first 10 days after hatching. The most important band is the closed band. Breeders don't usually ask potential customers if they wanna put a band on. Either it's the breeder's standard practice or it isn't. A clipped band can be put on at any time in the bird's life and actually means little in the way of true information. If you sold your bird to me and I intended to sell it to someone else, I could remove the band you have and put my own on to make the bird seem younger, so forget about the band and get your official certificate of birth.


Chipping is most effective with 4 legged animals. If you chip your bird and he escapes and I find him, instead of trying to find a vet who can read the chip, I would simply keep your bird. I'm out there and why should I care about you? I don't even know you. Avian Vets cost money and they charge to check chips. Rarely do you hear about people getting their lost bird back because of chipping. The bird flies away and it's hard enough to just retrieve it. Even if the wings are clipped, they can still fly away.


So remember that there's unscrupulous people just like me out there and if I find your bird, it's definitely mine, especially if it's a somewhat friendly bird.


Get the point????<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/06/03 22:06

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Well, how old i the grey? If it is more than a few days old a closed band would not be able to be put on without risk. An open band does not prove the bird was born in captivity and in my eyes is pointless. My CAG is not banded and if she was I would have had it cut off.

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First of all, thanks you to everyone for providing me your own insight on banding and microchips. Dave, thanks for sharing with me your glimpse on lost birds. I realize that a lost bird most likely will not be recovered despite a leg band or a microchip. The takeaway here is they are members of your family just like my biological kids. As a parent, I try never to put them in harms way or an un-necessary risk. The bit about an AG older than 10 days cannot have a closed band applied leads me to believe it will be an open band which can be easily removed. Why bother then? I'll opt for no leg band applied and ensure I get the band and birth certificate for keeping.

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I have 5 birds and only 1 has a leg band and I hate it she's always picking at it and she9 years old and the only reason I haven't had it taken off is that she is a Fiery Shouldered Conure which are quite rare as far as avian pets go. One day if they ever come out with a micro chip that has a GPS in it for birds I'll have her band removed and have all my birds chiped with a GPS then we will all have a chance of actually getting our birds back if they get lost because then we will be able to track them. My Vet says its not to far off when that will be an option it will probubly be expesive but who cares when it comes to my birds money isn't an opyion.



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Gandalf came from his breeder with a band, but eventually it had to be taken off because he would fuss with it to much and make it rub. Although it's just about as fail-safe as a leg band for recovering your bird, Gand is chipped (although he got that when he was over a year old so I don't know how it would affect a young one) and although he was a bit sore that day (unlike dogs and cats, chips have to be implanted in muscle with parrots) he didn't fuss with it at all and hasn't had any problems.


Either way (or neither way) you go, it seems that neither will really help with an ID if someone doesn't want to use them, but one or the other may make more sense for your circumstances now or when your bird is older. Your vet may have ideas for your too (hopefully you have one that's not just making your spend)!

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