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Psoriasis and greys, please help!!!


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The thing is, if i cannot have my way, i take the Highway, i just cant afford both... The bird and a new flat, so i have to hold out either untill he agrees, or till i have enough in my pocet to get all i want... LOL

I know i sound mean, but if we cannot agree on a bird, how will we agree on children later on?????

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Empress , I am sorry , I feel as though I have encouraged you to do something , that will cause a problem in your life. I didnt mean to . I would just be quiet about it , perhaps that would give him time to reconsider. Also , you take care of yourself and do what is best for your future .Bank your money , so you can have your own flat and any pet you choose, we only live once .

Kind Regards,


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my interest in having a birdy came well before big daddy's interest. but we took our time talking it over and researching and talking talking talking. and as you said miss empress, if you cannot agree on a pet, how can you agree on children? but we are oldy-weds so it is much easier for us to find that common ground.


and as the planets aligned for us to rescue/adopt merlin, big daddy became more and more accustomed to the idea. when he understood that (as EVER) all the dirty work was to be mine and all the glory his, it made it easier.


and again, as the planets aligned, it is big daddy that young merlin prefers. so it has worked out wonderfully and we could not be more happy.


but as you are making a 50-yr committment to this bird, you must take ample time to get your heads in order beforehand. so the time you spend working this out beforehand will really pay off after your birdy comes home.


and for us, we are Rescue People so it was more appealing for us to recsue a bird than to get a baby. but that too is a very personal decision to be made. not to be too calculating, it could be a little bargaining chip if you need one...

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Thank you all again for all your support, and continuous posts, i really do appreciate it, i just wish, that i would have met a bird fan beforehand... lol

Anyhow, Betty, you are not encouraging anything, that would not be in process already anyhow... LOL I really made up my mind of what i want, i know it will be good for my wellbeing, emotionally and mentally as well. If he does not agree with it before the end of the year, well, i will have to choose the bird over him eventually. The relationship is rocky anyhow, but i do have my reasons to stay a bit longer. He is not a bastard, but i am sure, that he is from a different planetary sytem... LOL

Anyhow, Thank you all again! I am very glad i joined this forum, even though i do not have a grey yet, becouse of all the caring people here, and all the support i have not got in ages... London is a very snob town... Nobody really cares here. I almost gave up hope to see good people!


Thank you!



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Been there done that .Don't wait for the children .I am glad you repect yourself and sorry you don't have a kind person .

I told my Daughter when she was growing up "Look for a man who can't live without you ".....All men are not jerks.

I wouldnt contribute anything into his flat, if it's his , let him do it all....You take care of you , so you can get that Grey.


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You're so right Mary, if they can't agree on a bird then how can they agree on children.


Kinga you have a decision to make and only you can make that but you have our support whether or not you have a grey right now, but I see there is going to be one in your future so you do what you have to and be happy.:)

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Empress wrote:

He is not a bastard, but i am sure, that he is from a different planetary sytem... LOL




Wow, well thats good to hear. ;-)


No advice coming from me, other than, find someone well grounded, after you get positioned where you are settled, happily on your own with your Grey sitting on your shoulder. :-) B)


Best wishes to you on your road ahead!!

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Kinga , good luck . Have you tried to explain to this guy that having a Grey is so important to you , that you are actually considering leaving him ?

Boy , that would get my mans eyes open wide !!!!

I'll be thinking of you .

Hugs ,


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