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Psoriasis and greys, please help!!!


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I am about to get my first grey, but my partner has psoriasis. Does any of you have this illnes, or can give me advice on if the bird could effect his illnes to the wors?

Psoriasis is basically an immune illnes, but it only effects the skin in form of white scaling. It is not contagious, only genetically forwarded.

If you heard of any cases pro or contra, please whrite, and let me know your toughts!

It would be really helpfull!


Thank you!



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Hi Kinga, my daughter has suffered from psoriasis for years, She is 20 in a few weeks,She interacts with my four greys & baby macaw & to be honest i don't think they have had any bearing on the psoriasis, as you know sometimes it flares up for various reasons, stress etc..

See if you can get a few more opinions but personally i think your partner will be fine ;)

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Hello Empress,

My daughter and son in law bird sit for us while we travel , and my son n law has psoriasis and last year we were in Hawaii for two weeks and he didnt have any complaints .I will say he uses Avon dandruff shampoo and it gets rid of it ....Who would think of such a thing .He actually bathes with the shampoo when he has a flare up .

Can't wait to meet the new baby...


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My father has it and he has not complained about it sense I got my grey. One of the girls at my work also has it and I think the only real reason her's get flaired up a bit often is because of the chemicals used in the Kennel...she work with the birds on some days and puppies on others. She also has cockatiels at home while are just as dusty as greys and they don't bother her.

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Good that you mention dust, BMustee; What do i have to immagine with greys when you talk about dust? Cant be worst than living next to the A406 (motorway)... Plus if i give him/her a shower now and then.... Cant be that bad.... Can it?

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In my opinion Kinga it is not all that bad, I don't notice the dust too much and it is recommended to give them a bath at least two or three times a week, that helps to keep the dust down. You tend to see more when they are going thru a molt so a bath can be given more often to help with the pin feathers.;)

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I only notice how dusty Elmo is when I where black and I snuggle with him. I get "dust prints" all over me! Hahaha! As for in the home, with cats, dogs and finches it isn't all that bad. I got one of those Dyson vaccums that don't let out the dust cloud when you start it up and that has really cut down on the dust in the air.

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I have got one of those as well, but fro LG. Its good, but my main concern is, ow the hell will i convince my man, that i NEEED one of these fine animals... He is a clean freak, and our brand new flat is like cut out of a magazine... Clean and tidy all the time... That is why he doesnt one a pet... And the same reason i want one... Cant stand clinical cleanness... lol Plus obviously i want a "talking" parrot since i know what they are! :)

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The dust is the least of my worries. Its the poop everywhere that drives me nuts. Both of mine are very good in that they dont poop ON me, but thats about it. They poop everywhere else. I suppose if you limit your baby to one area it wouldnt be so bad, mine have free reign of the house pretty much :whistle:


But I really dont think they are very dusty. Most of the dust seems to collect on and around their cage so it is very manageable.


Good luck with convincing him... Its definitely a NEED rather than a want with these birds isnt it:laugh:

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Re: the dust, Dorian gets a spray bath every couple of days with aloe juice, and at night I turn on an air cleaner near his cage. I just cleaned the filters yesterday and from that very dusty experience I can say with confidence the air cleaner cuts down on the dust a great deal. If you have carpet both the dust and the poop (and the fact that they throw food everywhere) can be more of an issue. I find myself doing a good vacuum every day. Hardwood or tile flooring would make keeping things clean easier.


Re: your partner, ever hear the saying "It's better to ask forgiveness than permission?" Mind you, this is coming from someone not currently in a relationship, so take it for what it's worth!;)

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Thank you all for your kind advice! You all are very supportive and helpfull. I am really appreciating it! Unfortunately do have an almost every day fight about my bird need and his denial... At this moment (becouse the flat is HIS) i dont see much chance for me to get my dreem birdie.... :(((( Believe me, if the flat would be mine, i would already have it! If he doesnt like it, well, tought! But that could happen to me if i turn up with a baby grey one rainy day....

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Hey Empress , why not give him a baby Grey for his birthday ?That's what I did when I wanted my second dog , and my husband said no more dogs , so I went and bought a hunting dog for his B DAY. Want to know what he did ,He bought me one for my Bday . So at that time we ended up with three dogs. LOL....GRIN......

My husband wanted the first Grey and I didnt , we got it anyway , then I fell in love with the bird.

You can teach your bird to potty in a certain place , a lot of people do this . I clean my cages everyday and I do not have smell or poop all over my house .Our birds fly around some but they basically stay were they are placed.

Some people think birds are dirty , that is crazy , they are cleaner than dogs I think , I have had dogs in my house before .It wasnt fun at all , dog hair battles everyday.

Anyway tell him everytime he ask what do you want for Christmas , b day , love day or whatever day .I WANT A BABY GREY , it's better than a human baby .HA HA .

Good luck,


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My b/f does not like my birds and right now we don't live together but when we do move back in with eachother it will be something we might butt heads about. He does like Elmo but he HATES the mess. He's a clean freak but it sounds like your man might be worse than mine with the catalog house. All I can say is think long and hard about it because it could very much come down to "him or the bird". I for one have told Paul that it's me and the bird and I would not get rid of Elmo even if it ment the end of us. Elmo loves him and HAS so give him a kiss every time he comes over so Elmo has won him over for the most part, but Paul liked Greys before I got him and said that would be the only parrot he would put up with...another reason I got a grey...and not living in the same house at the time has given him a chance to warm up to him.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/06/04 18:55

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I think it would be quite unusual for 2 people to be totally nuts about birds with neither actually owning one. I was the bird nut, and my husband didnt want anything to do with them. I started showing him youtube videos of really cute greys doing tricks and holding conversations, and I aroused his curiosity just a little. When I finally found my grey he still wasnt interested in me owning one. I told him I would let him off Christmas and birthdays for years if he would let me buy it. Eventually (after some tears on my part:blush: ) he gave in. Within a few months he wanted his own grey and a year after getting Liath, Oisin arrived in our house.


All isnt lost for you yet.... try the subtle approach, if that fails scream and cry a little :laugh:

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Thank you very much... I am trying all the way... I am showing him forums, and videos and all the goodies... I almost moved out already, i am trying everything i can think of to make him understand how i feel, especially, that he promised me while we lived in the old hous, that after we move to the new one, i can have one, and kept telling me even here, that i can get one after we get the sofas, but now that the time is close, and i was about to choose a bird, he does not want to hear about it at all... Which is i think very mean of him.... Plus i am soooooo obsessed by now, its an everyday fight topic; me and my grey..... :dry:

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I would, Judy, But we are just a couple, no fiancee or marriage, and the flat where we live is his... Dont really want to fly out the window with my bird....

I will get what i want on the end.... It just takes time and effort!

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Well hunny if I were you I might rethink this couple thing a bit if he is reneging on his original promise that you could have one when......he isn't going to change his mind, he is only putting it off long enough so that you might give up on it, believe me I know how a man's mind works.:whistle:

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