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hi all just got this playstand ready for my baby, as you can see (if the picture uploaded that is ) it's got dowel perches, i know these are safe but they seem very slippery:unsure: im sure I read somewhere that im best roughing them up as they can give foot problems?, what do you guys suggest?? a bit of snadpaper or cut some notches in? i do have a minderal perch and congrete perch and a java tree perch ready for in his cage so he will have a variety there.

thanks for any advice guys<br><br>Post edited by: di2008, at: 2008/06/03 10:57



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Hi Di,I thought I had the same problem with mine but they did get used to it. Someone suggested to me to get some sisal rope and add it round the perches, I cant see a picture so dont know what your stand is like, if not you could roughen it up a bit. Wont be long till your baby is with you now! ;)

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ahh thanks guys i will surly wrap some sisal rope around and will hang toys on their too, is there a certain diameter rope i need to get and will the ordinary sisal do from a hardwear store or does it need to be from a pet store? thanks again

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