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Hi all, its such a pleasure to be here!

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Good day all, I'm Tony from Southern Ontario Canada. My CAG Fluffy turned 2 May 5th, he had such a wonderful birthday party and actually sung Happy birthday to Fluffy in full, he was so cute singing his own birthday song. I can't imagine my life without him, he is now part of my soul. His vocabulary is now up to 2081 words, with a massive vocab of sound effects as I'm sure your all in tune with. Fluffy is so polite, always saying thank you for any and everything he recieves, to tell you the truth I didn't even teach him to say thank you he just picked it off us. I really feel sometimes he know what I am thinking, before I am about to say something to him he says exactly what I was about to tell him, so I came to the conclusion they have some type of telepathic abilities. Anyone else have these types of experiences with their Greys?


Its such a great pleasure to me introducing myself to the welcome room.


Much Love to all!

Tony meandmom_herpoamscompressed_071.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: loveoneanother, at: 2008/06/03 02:24


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Hello Tony and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Fluffy.


Sounds like the two of you are in tune with one another and that is so special for not all of us can say that about our greys and he obviously knows you well.


That is so endearing that he is so polite, saying thank you and he has quite a wide vocabulary of words, I have never counted all the words that my Josey says but it is far from Fluffy's count, you must be so proud of him.


Take a little time and read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have and we will do our best to find you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Fluffy you would like to share with us we would love to see him.:)

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Welcome Tony and Fluffy!!


You Wrote: "I came to the conclusion they have some type of telepathic abilities".


Well, so much for my sneeking up on Dayo then. ;-)


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos. :-)

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Hi Tony- we're glad to have you here with us. Read my post about the N'Kisi project, it deals with telepathy and greys. There's a real interesting article about it. That is a great photo of you and Fluffy- thanks for sharing that with us.

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Greeting all!! I wanted to thank everyone for giving me such a beautiful welcome, thank you thank you thank you from the depth of my heart, bless you all! I am so proud to be part of the Grey family. Thanks Lyric for the link to the N'kisi project. There is so much similarities with N'kisi and my Fluffy, its amazing that they really do have telepathic abilities. You know almost everytime I come home I hear Fluff yelling out my name"Tooonyyy", that's even before I take out my keys from my pocket, it truly is amazing and should definately have much more research done on Grey's telepathic abilities.


Thanks again all for your wonderful comments.

Much love to all!

God Bless


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