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my grey


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How old is your grey ? Baby greys often use their beaks to explore with.If he is biting hard you just need to tell him no in a firm voice, nothing else & return him to his cage or play-stand for a few minutes & walk away, gradually he will learn that biting is not acceptable & gains him no reward.Never reinforce his bad behaviour but always reward good behaviour

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You've had your grey for 4 weeks. He's been friendly but is now starting to bite others except his family. Put yourself in his position. You've been introduced to other people and at the beginning but as some time has passed, you're starting to dislike certain people because you can see that they don't really appeal to you. you've become a little colder towards those people( although you don't bite them).


When a grey comes into a new home, the most important thing that's discussed on boards is that the owner should get that bird used to only the other family members. Rarely is getting the bird to be friendly towards everyone discussed. When a person has socialized that bird into the family, a major task has been successfully completed. Some people aren't successful and that bird is then known a one person bird which is bad. Greys aren't known to love lots of people. As the grey gets more familar with the owners and the house, outside people become less important. Greys are known to be nippy with casual visitors especially children.

As long as your grey is affectionate with you and other family members in the house, you shouldn't worry that he/she is getting nippy with others.

A grey has a very diverse personality and he will change in many, many ways as time goes on. I say this because 4 wks can't tell even 1% of how the grey will be. Continue working with your grey and don't worry about other people who only want to hold him. Greys have lots of up and down moods and as time goes on, you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. You should try and learn all about your new family member and not worry about others. You've got a lot of learning to do so expect the unexpected.

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I agree with Dave .

Also , people need to understand , it really isnt good to let all who enter into your home handle your bird . Are these people washing their hands before they touch your bird ? People do carry germs . I don't let anyone touch my birds before washing hands.

Also do these people know how to properly handle a bird .Like they say if you are afraid the bird will bite , it usually will , are these people afraid of being bitten ?

Like Dave said , you concentrate on bonding with this bird , that should be # 1 on your list .People can admire your bird from a distance .Also Greys don't always like anything or anyone who takes your attention off of them .How old is your bird , please give us some more details ....

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My birds have been socialized t the point that as long as I'm there and I explain exactly how and what to say to the birds they can pet them. Except for Tyco of course she's way to new to have anyone do anything except admire her from a distance. But my other birds will generally let people give them a scritch if I say its okay and they ask the bird the bird will usually put their heads down for a scritch or a pet. Fergie hates all men so of course she only lets women touch her but my other birds will take a scritch or step up for just about anyone as long as I tell the bird its ok. I do make sure that every one washes their hand first before touching my birds I don't want them to get sick


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