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Front yard visitor


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Don't read if nature worries you. Not sure how else to put that.

I have a couple bird feeders in the front yard. We get all sorts of guest. Sometimes even rats and from time to time....

Can you see him?




How about now?



Now I know you can see him now.



In the bush behind him is where a lot of the small birds hang out between feedings at my feeders. He walked right into it. I ran out in hopes of better pictures. A couple of the small birds flew out and I heard some racket. Out the bird of prey came with lunch in one of his claws.:blink:

I knew he might but was really surprised to see it and didn't get a shot of it.

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"""I knew he might but was really surprised to see it and didn't get a shot of it."""


Thank goodness for that Tari, not sure I would have wanted to see that but I know he has to eat too but why can't he stick with rats and mice and not our pretty birds. :angry:


Thanks Tari for sharing that with us and let that be a reminder that they are out there and they will eat our companion pets if we aren't careful when we have them outside or they escape to the outside because we weren't paying attention.:pinch:

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This is the first time I have seen that one. Normally what I have out there is a red tail hawk.

I know they need to eat to live so I try to enjoy their beauty and not think about the other part.

But ya it keeps me from taking my parrots out unless in a cage and with a close inspection of the yard before they go out.

Topaz well wear a flight suit but that even worries me now that those guys are hanging out.

I loved that last picture he looks so intelligent and cunning.

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"""I loved that last picture he looks so intelligent and cunning."""


Oh yeah, those hawks all have that look about them, after all they are on the food chain too for something bigger than they are.


I don't know what type of hawk that is but it doesn't look like a very big one, we have the red tailed ones here too, I occasionally see them and some I have seen are huge birds, much larger than the one in your pics.

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Great photos Tari!! Thanks for sharing them. :-)


Yes, nature is, well nature. Everything is on somethings food change. Thats what normally keeps a balance of things. Unless something like Humans get involved an muck it up thinking they have a better idea than what nature has done over thousands of years in the great balancing act.


I once watched a Hawk dive down and clasp a huge Crow with it's powerful Talons diggin in and clasping on it's back in flight. It was a very awe inspiring thing to behold. I did not continue to watch the rest of the process though. I let the Hawk eat in peace. ;-)

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Oh I knew it wasn't the red tailed hawk, I was just commenting that is was a smaller hawk.


Dan, thankfully I have been spared that sight of a hawk catching its prey in flight but it would be an awe inspiring sight to see and the fact that it was a crow makes it a little easier to think about.:S

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Oh Judy, how could you think it's "Ok" for a Crow to be "Lunch"? :laugh:


I was just thinking about grabbing a baby Crow from a pine tree they are nesting in.


Crows/Ravens are considered one of the most intelligent birds. There has been a lot written about them. :-)

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Dan, you dang skippy I do when you see crows pulling up shoots of new corn because they know that a corn kernal is on the other end, yes that shows their intelligence but that gets them in trouble if you catch my drift, besides they are in the food chain too and there seems to be an abundance of them here so let the hawks have a few of them.:angry:


I know this might anger some bleeding hearts out there but a lot of wildlife ends up as another animal's dinner, thats the way of life in the wild.

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"I know this might anger some bleeding hearts out there but a lot of wildlife ends up as another animal's dinner, thats the way of life in the wild."


I feel the same way. But I can understand how it would upset someone. I for one know it happens and there is good reason for it )just like the wolves at Yellowstone)

But I try not to over think it or watch it.

He was just so pretty and I was so lucky to get that shot and wanted to just share. But if it is to upsetting I well delete my post. Up to you all.

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Don't be silly Tari, don't delete the post as there is nothing offending in what you posted, now if you had happened to have gotten that shot of him with his catch then you could have just kept that to yourself, we know it happens but we don't necessarily want to see it if we can avoid it.


Sometimes it is a bird eat bird world, you just have to accept it:whistle: :blink: :pinch:

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