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Am I an overanxious mom?


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A couple of days ago I noticed a scratch on Jenna's face, above her . . . cere? Nostril? It was obvious enough to be seen but was not swollen or irritated. She probably got it from arguing with a toy, or maybe she landed somewhere when she was outside her cage and managed to scratch herself? ~shrugs~ She won't tell me.


But yesterday morning I noticed that the side of her head had a yellowish tint. Now, I should tell you that she enthusiastically ate orange colored baby food the night before (nah, I never spoil her) so it could have been that. But I was worried that it could have been bruising. Do greys have yellowish color bruises??? I took her into the shower with me, and the orange color seemed to diminish but it did not go away completely. Should I be worried? Does she need to see the vet? She's acting perfectly normal, but that is not always a good indicator, I know . . .

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I would imagine it was the baby food,i still give mine an evening treat, they often make a mess & it stains the face,have a wet piece of cotton wool or paper towel handy to wipe her beak & face after you have fed her.


They often get little scratches from rough play from their toys,as long as it's not deep or bleeding i wouldn't worry to much ;)

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I would call your vet at least and see what she thinks it can't hurt and then if she thinks you should bring her in then do that. WE all get over anxious about our babies so don;t feel bad I'm also sure your vet will be able to tell you if you have anything to worry about When I think somethings wrong with my babies real or my imagination I can't get to the phone fast enough and my vet always puts my mind at ease.



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Update ~smiles~ Jenna's scratch isn't even visible any more, and she doesn't have any more yellowish color, so I guess maybe it WAS the baby food! LOL Goofy little girl. But as wild as she gets with her toys sometimes, I guess I can expect a scratch or two . . .

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Josey almost keeps a orangish tint to the skin that is just next to her beak but that comes from the oatmeal I feed her every morning with the red palm oil in it, she dribbles a little out of the corner of her beak and it stains her skin:pinch: :side:

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~grins~ Jenna gets her oatmeal at night! This morning I put some cooked food in her cage with red palm oil on it, and I forgot to take the bowl out before I left for work. I try not to leave food other than pellets and seeds in her cage all day because I don't want it to either go bad or attract bugs. I guess one day will be ok.

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