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Update of rescued Grey parrots


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Hey guys,


Here is an update from the World Parrot Trust about the some rescued African Greys - wonderful news!


Update from Felix Lankester, Limbe


May 18, 2008

African Grey Release


The final release phase with the remaining Greys


Back in December 2007 we rescued 1220 African grey parrots of which approximately 700 birds were released within a few weeks of their arrival at the LWC. The remainder of the parrots had damaged feathers, from the glue that was used to catch them or from being purposefully cut by the hunters. Each of these injured parrots had their plumage treated back in January 2008, with the help of a veterinary team from the World Parrot Trust, and have been recuperating ever since. Now, four months later, some of these parrots have shown through their ability to fly strongly in the flight cage that their plumage has recovered and so it is time to begin the final release phase.


However the program will be different from the previous releases, as, rather than taking the selected birds to a nearby forest to be set free, we have decided to simply open up their flight cage here at the LWC and allow them to fly off in their own time. The decision to opt for this LWC-based ‘soft-release’ strategy was taken after we saw how well a few parrots who had escaped from the flight cage were doing living free amongst the trees of the wildlife centre. So the plan is to simply start adding birds to this ‘escaped’ flock and to continue to provision them with food and water so that they can regain their strength and fitness steadily. The forests surrounding the town of Limbe are only a short distance away so when the birds are ready we hope that they will simply fly off together. Flocks of up to 40 African grey parrots are regularly seen flying around the capital city of Yaoundé so living in the small town of Limbe should not be a problem for the greys.


Today, Sunday 18th May, the roof of one of the flight cages was peeled back and the first batch of 12 recovered parrots were freed. So far they are doing well and have joined the ‘escaped’ flock that is resident at the LWC. The sight of a flock of parrots flying strongly through the trees of the LWC is a truly wonderful sight, all the more so when one considers the absolutely appalling conditions in which they arrived in 6 months ago.


Felix Lankester, BVSc MSc MRCVS

Limbe Wildlife Centre



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Thanks for that update on the greys from that Limbe Wildlife Centre, thats wonderful they are being released to be free and fly away on their own, they have done a fantastic job of taking care of them after they were so savagely crippled by those uncaring hunters:angry: I bet that is a sight to see groups of them around the town.:)

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