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Okay, so I know he/she is only 14 weeks old and all, but I'm not a patient person. Can somebody make my bird talk? I'm ready now! :lol:


Seriously, how old were everybodys Greys before they started talking? Just so I have a rough time estimate. I'm guessing anywhere from 4 months to over a year?

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Hi, Charlie started to talk when he was about 10 months old, he is nearly a year old now so has not been talking long and only says about four words. He started by copying whistles and noises before he said anything. I think they all vary really. I have another grey who is nearly 14 weeks old and still making baby noises, Charlie keeps talking to him and will be interesting to see if he talks any earlier ;)

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As with everything there is no set age as to when they start to mimic speech.My boys were around 5 months, prior to the speech you tend to get all the gargling/ babbling sounds.Rule of thumb is anywhere from 6 months to a year but as greys are all individuals this will vary from each bird ;)


Caroline im pretty certain the baby will pick up speech from Charlie,my girls were pretty quiet when i got them but pretty soon were copying everything the boys said. I do believe they pick everything up from each other.

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You can't make them talk but you can constantly have one way conversations with your bird on a regular basis. They're very good at listening to all types of sounds and if he hears a human voice constantly, he;ll remember later on. he'll do the same things with other sounds too. Gotta do alot of talking to him and you've gotta have a lot of patience. Always prepare yourself that your bird might never talk in the human language.

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My first grey had a couple of words and lots of sounds before her first birthday and then the floodgates opened. My second had his first few words about 5/6 months and has lots of words now, he is almost 1 now. But he did learn from the older grey.

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LOL... Well, I talk to them all the time. The Grey talks up a storm in some bizarre, garbled language he created... sometimes I can hear a hello in there. But I know he's too young to talk so it's probably just wishful thinking on my part. But mark my words, this Grey will talk. If I turn blue in the face and lose my voice from all of the one way conversations, he will talk! :laugh:

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Pchela, our baby girl was 4 months when she said her first word "hello". Now she's 10 months old and says about 20 words - I'm home with her most of the day, and sometimes I forget she's a bird! I just talk to her like I'd talk to a child and I guess that's how she's picked up words.

She talks in my hubby's voice though - not mine! I always say she talks in his voice because he's her rival for my attention!! ;-) but she loves him to bits too.

It's the most exciting thing when your bird starts talking -so enjoy teaching her.


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Elmo started to really talk at about 11 months. He tried to talk a little earlier but it was really garbly so I didn't count it. One of the girls that i work with has a grey that just started to talk and it's about 2 years old.

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Congrats Melisa, he has hello down very well, oh yes this is a very good sign but give him a little time and he will be saying lots more. It usually starts slowly and then the barrage of words will spill out but I know you are tickled pink:cheer: :P

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When I brought Bella home the breeders for warned me that she was already quite gabby and they anticipated she'd start talking quickly. She was 4 months at the time. They were right, she was quite gabby. But the first thing she said that I could understand was "Jiggyman what the hell!", and she said that when she was around 6.5 months. She also said shortly after that "good morning Doc" (my Greyhound's name is Doc) and then she said "I don't knoooooooowwwwwww"


So, needless to say, we were all pretty dumbfounded!


She's a 1 year now, and she seems to go in cycles with the phrases she likes. Right now she's big into "peak-a-boo", and she'll say that with all kinds of variations "peak-a-peak-a-booooooooooo" etc... She seems to make a song out of it :woohoo: She picked up my saying "beep beep" to the dogs, so she runs around going "beep beep", and if I leave the room she'll scream for me "Mama!!!!!!!!!!!" (thanks to my daughter teaching her that one!)


Talking seems to come with interactions and play. The interactions are things she observes us do and then she puts it into her own context and says it. For example I didn't know she knew how to ask where I went until she freaked the cable guy out and said "where did she go?" when I left the room! The poor cable guy found me and said "I know this sounds wierd, but I think your bird wants you" :laugh:


Play learning comes from things like dancing together. I have dance music playing quite often, and if I'm cleaning the house or doing other chores, I'll stop every now and then and dance (bob up and down :laugh: ) with the birds. They really get into it. One time I flapped my arms and I said WINGS! Bella stopped for a second, and observed me closely, and then the next thing I knew, she flapped her wings. I was totally delighted!


This now has an added advantage that when I give her a shower, and I say "wings" she'll actually raise her wing so I can get underneath her wings!


I'm trying to teach her "feet" during our dance, but that hasn't quite worked out yet. She does "feet" when she wants to have them massaged, so I don't know if she knows what I mean when I say "feet" and we're dancing and she just doesn't want to lift her feet, or if she hasn't made that connection (namely that my feet are my equivalent to her feet)


Either way, her intelligence is breath taking, and I marvel at her ability to figure something out so quickly. We're literally in a race now every time I fill her lock toys with goodies, one has two locks, she beats me to it every time and I can only lock one key and of course she pops that right open and gets the walnut. So, I'm going to have to start making things a little more complicated for her. Maybe something like a shell game and see if she will follow where I put the nut and how I mix them up. Either way, she seems to love these brain teasers and it keeps me on my toes having to design new things to keep her stimulated! :P

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I see that you've got something there!

Need some quick money?? There's are a job opening at the Arthur Murray School of Ballroom Dancing. They're always looking for unique types that can do things that haven't been done before. Yeah, you'll be a big hit with the old farts that hang out there that're all dressed in their tuxedos and the women with their salt and pepper upswept French Twists.

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Nychsa sounds like your having a wonderful time teaching your baby lots of new thing It really is amazing how incredebly smart they are. Tyco is 5 yrs old and when I got her she didn't know much because nobody spent anytime with her at all. I've had her since the begining of Oct 2007 and since then she like a little spounge learning everything she can. she asks for the things she wants she says hundreds of different words and phrasis. she calls me mom constantly when I leave the room she know 4 different colors and can count to 3 sometime 5 if she want too. all this in about 8 months trully amazing is all I have to say every day its something new. and more wonderful I can;t wait to see what another year or two will be like for her and I.



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Nychsa wrote:

I have dance music playing quite often, and if I'm cleaning the house or doing other chores, I'll stop every now and then and dance (bob up and down :laugh: ) with the birds. They really get into it. One time I flapped my arms and I said WINGS!


This I want to see on video! Your dancing, not the birds :laugh: ! Your house sounds like a total mad house;) :laugh: :silly:

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Dave007 wrote:


I see that you've got something there!

Need some quick money?? There's are a job opening at the Arthur Murray School of Ballroom Dancing. They're always looking for unique types that can do things that haven't been done before. Yeah, you'll be a big hit with the old farts that hang out there that're all dressed in their tuxedos and the women with their salt and pepper upswept French Twists.



:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: When we're doing our "dancing" my partner starts shaking his head, then he looks out the window to make sure none of the neighbors are watching. He says "you know if the neighbors see you that's it, you're off to your own little padded room!" :P

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Tycos_mom wrote:

Nychsa sounds like your having a wonderful time teaching your baby lots of new thing It really is amazing how incredebly smart they are. Tyco is 5 yrs old and when I got her she didn't know much because nobody spent anytime with her at all. I've had her since the begining of Oct 2007 and since then she like a little spounge learning everything she can. she asks for the things she wants she says hundreds of different words and phrasis. she calls me mom constantly when I leave the room she know 4 different colors and can count to 3 sometime 5 if she want too. all this in about 8 months trully amazing is all I have to say every day its something new. and more wonderful I can;t wait to see what another year or two will be like for her and I.




Wow!! That's awesome! You must be totally pumped! Video, video video!! Bella always watches when I play any grey videos, I swear she can tell it's another grey!

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siobha9 wrote:

Nychsa wrote:
I have dance music playing quite often, and if I'm cleaning the house or doing other chores, I'll stop every now and then and dance (bob up and down :laugh: ) with the birds. They really get into it. One time I flapped my arms and I said WINGS!


This I want to see on video! Your dancing, not the birds :laugh: ! Your house sounds like a total mad house;) :laugh: :silly:


:laugh: :laugh: It is a mad house sometimes! My grand daughter is coming to stay with me for a week and she always spins the birds up. She spends all her free time with them talking to them non-stop. I think the voice Bella makes is my grand daughter's, she sounds like a little girl when she speaks :laugh:

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Pchela wrote:

No hellos today but lots of garbled stuff.


Okay, I definitely want to teach my babies to dance as well! I've tried bobbing my head but they just stare at me like I'm insane.


You have to get a good beat going with the right tunes! Since we're an NYC influenced house hold, we dance to typical NYC dance music, and electronica. That seems to get everyone moving :woohoo:


But your guys are still pretty young... Bella moved in when she was 4 months, and I think she picked the dancing up from Jiggy two months later. Jiggy, who is 1 month older then Bella, is a natural clown, and found out that if he does his "Jiggy dance" everyone will stand around him admiring him. Nothing could be more desirable for a conure then having ALL the attention!

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