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We are ROOKIES, just got a Blue Ring Neck..HELP


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[/i]I or should say we need help. My hubby just brought home a BLUE ring neck parakeet.

I need all the help we can get...first of all how do we know if the bird is a boy or girl so we can name the bird.

Secondly, what kind of bird food do we get and what fruit do I put in the cage for the bird? That would be the major ones for now.

Thanks ahead of time for giving us your time, and your answers quickly. For we sure would love to name him or her. The bird is sososo BEAUTIFUL.




BlueLover2008 :ohmy:

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Ringnecks are such beautiful birds! Congrats on your new addition. I'd like to get one myself someday. I hope I don't get in trouble for recommending another board (since this one is heavily African Grey), but http://www.indianringneck.com/board/ looks like a very active board that can provide some immediate answers about your Ringneck. If it's wrong to recommend this, then sorry mods, delete away.


Someone here might have a ringneck though, so hopefully they can provide you some answers. Also, please post a photo of your sweetie. I'd love to see what he/she looks like :).

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It may be wrong spookyhurst but i do agree a forum specifically for ringnecks would be the ideal place for immediate answers,sometimes due to time differences etc.. it may be a while before a post gets a response ;)


Bluelover please stick around & share your ringneck with us, although many of us are grey owners, many members do have other breeds of birds too ;)

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Ringnecks are available in shades ranging from bright yellows, greens, and blues, to albinos. Like a few other bird species, they are known as dimorphic, meaning that a bird's sex can be determined by its colors and markings. Males sport deep red beaks, black facial markings, and three bands or color around their necks. Females, while still beautiful, lack collar bands, although some do display a barely slight darkening of color around their necks. In other words, the ring around the male's neck is quite obvious. The ring around the female lacks that obvious ring although the outline of the ring can be seen. This applies to most ringnecks except fot whites and lutinos ( solid yellow body). So, if you have any of the other color ringnecks, look at your bird's neck and that should tell you the sex.


PS--I forgot the creaminos. You can't sex them cause there's no visible ring on them. I havn't seen them in a while though.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/05/29 18:30

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Dave I was just going to say the very same thing you beat me to it the males have rings around their neck that are prominanat the girls don't nice birds I would love one bot then again I love to have allot of birds I'm at my limit with 5 for now welcome to the forum if you decide to hang around


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MY mind is going or something you also ask about what to feed them feed them as you would any bird lots of green and yellow veggies cooked sweet potatos lots of leafy stuf I buy those organic baby green salad for mine very good for them carrots snap peas grean beans whatever a little scrmbled egg twice a week and a little bit of grated cheese also once in a while is good anything healthy on you dinner plate is fine. fruit is fine also veggies are better to much fruit will give them the runs cantalope grapes strwberrys.apples waermelon mango NO AVCADO IT IS POSION FOR PARROTS ANYWAY THIS WILL GIVE YOU SOME IDEAS also brown rice cooked mashed up with kidney beans or a 12 bean mix must be cooked is very good for them and they love it most birds love mushe things like mashed potatos and stuff its comfort food for them a little lean chicken or beef on occation is ok also cooked.hope this helps you


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Hi I have a female Alexandrine who is related to the IRN's . In the Alex species, the ring around the males neck does not come in till around the second molt . I believe this to be true about IRN's as well .My female does have the bright red beak. Irn's love seeds , so be careful not to give too many or else he /she might turn into a seed junkie .I have to buy a fortified seed with pellets in it , or my bird would starve to death .LOL...She also loves green bens , peppers, squash, apples and collard greens.IRN's can be very nippy and can be very territorial around their cages .I had to get mine away from her big cage , so she has a sleep cage and a playstand along with her big cage .They have to be handled a lot or they will not stay tame . Keep us posted and there are many yahoo groups for IRN's if you need one .They are awesome birds and are trainable to speak and do tricks.Fun Birds..

Mary<br><br>Post edited by: bettyboop, at: 2008/05/29 22:10

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There are 3 plumheads available at my rescue. They say the 2 year old is definitely male because of the plum colored head. The other 2 are only 1 year old and have grey/blue/brown heads, so the sex isn't known yet. IRN's are so beautiful. I wish I had room to bring the 3 plummies home :(.


EDIT: Here's a link to the little plumheads I like: http://www.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=10232980<br><br>Post edited by: spookyhurst, at: 2008/05/30 03:07

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Spookyhurst, they are so neat.They love attention but they usually don't want to cuddle and mine will only allow me to pet on her in a neutral room .She just plays and plays ,such an easy non demanding bird .I wish you could have the plums also .They are beautiful.


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