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2 greys finally together


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After 2 months of slowely introducing our greys to each other, they are now in the same cage and very happy about it. They got in the cage this morning and went to each other and started preening and regurgitating and making the ehehehehe noise that my little boy does when he is excited and really likes something (usually only does it for me and now our female grey).


It was the best sight ever to see them so calm and then just playing with the toys in the cage. I call our female grey a minx as she loves our male grey and my boyfriend. Does anything for them, even rolls on her back and wants her stomach rubbed.


Just when you think it is never going happen, suddenly progress is made.


The next step is to get them into their flight suits to go outside and I am sure this will take a lot longer to persuade them it is fun to wear it.

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Are you not worried that they will become so bonded to each other that they won't want to be bonded to you any longer There is no way I would put them in the same cage togeer except to play all my birds will always have thier own space so that they will stay bonded to me


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Now this is something I know nothing about for I only have one grey but I bet Tracy, aka Lovemygreys, will have some insight into as she has 4 of them. I would tend to agree Pat that caged together they will bond more with each other and not be so bonded to their owner:blink:

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This is interesting. I have just got my second grey but have no intention of housing them together, I would like for them to have time out together but would have thought they would need their own space so to speak and still have one to one time with their owner to keep that bond there. Just my thoughts, I am no expert about two greys. Others opinions would be good who have two or more greys.;)

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It is an interesting topic as some people say don't put them together and others say yes put them together.


After consulting a behavioural expert we decided to go with the putting them in the same cage. As long as the cage is big enough there should be no problems with the space issue. I have no worries about them bonding together as I feel their life will be enriched from this bond and being able to have company while we work 8-5.


I guess for us the fact that they might not bond to us was not a big enough issue to decide not to put them together. We felt that if this could enrich their lives then we would do it. I will feel honoured just to be a part of their flock and there are many ways we can interact with them.


We only took the decision to house them together after carefully observing their behaviour together. If they had showed any sort of sustained aggression towards one another then we would not have done it.


How can you be certain that even if you keep them in separate cages that they will not bond together?

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It sounds to me as if you've made a carefully considered decision thinking about what will be best for your birds, which is what all of us try to do. I don't have any insight about housing two birds together as I only have Dorian and don't intend to get another bird (hear that, me, no more birds, no more birds, no more birds, no more birds!!! :unsure: )

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I have 2 conures and they are bonded to each other but I keep them in separae cages so they also stay bonded to me when I go to work I will put them in the same cage for company but as soon as I get home I let them out and at bed time they go to sleep in separate cages.

just my way of doing things to me its very important to be able to go and pick them up when i want to and pet them and basicly have a close relationship with my birds I don't just want to be one of the flock I want to be their mom


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Jane08 wrote:

How can you be certain that even if you keep them in separate cages that they will not bond together?


The truth is you can't but I'd imagine the odds of them staying bonded to you is far greater than if they are in the same cage. My 2 are definitely bonded to each other, they love each other dearly most of the time, but they also have squabbles. And they are both bonded to myself and my husband! I have them caged separately due mainly to advice I got from very knowledgeable people on this forum.


I think they have the best of both worlds, they get out time together, but they have a place to call their own, when the going gets rough :laugh:

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