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Another poop question (sorry)


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Hi all,got up this morning and everything was as normal Pooky was his normal self and still is,I always check his poop on a morning,it was normal.Took Pooky in the bathroom with me and he did a poop on the towel,as i went to clean it up I noticed some minute pieces of brown stuff,which i think is nut shell,Iv rung the vets and they asked all the normal questions about eating,drinking ect and just said that there could have been a bit of broken shell in his feed but looks like he has passed it with no problems.

Can anyone tell me is this normal or as it happened to anyone elses CAG

Many thanks Jackie xx

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Jackie, what did the vet say other than it could have been a bit of broken shell in his feed? Thats probably what it was and no it has not happened to Josey but if he passed it with no problems and the vet is not concerned then it is something that could happen with anyone's bird, it probably happens more often than we think. As long as he is acting normal otherwise I wouldn't worry about it.;)

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Thats good that you check his poops in the morning but for a while I would keep a closer check maybe all day long for a while to see if you see any more of those bits and if you do get rid of that bag and get another but the sad thing is a certain amount of debris is allowed in feedstuffs and still pass the safety checks.


Pooky is lucky to have a watchful owner looking out for him who loves him dearly, but then don't we all.:P

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Hi Judy thanks for that:) the thing with the food is that the store mix it themselves so will have to have a word with them,iv been checking ever since it happened and think it must have all gone as since this mornings (which happened twice)there`s been no more,but will still keep a vigilant eye on it,I get all the best jobs:sick:

many thanks again Jackie xx

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Hi all was checking Pookys poop again today and found some more of the bits of shell,when first looking I can`t see anything,it`s only when I examine it by sqeezing it in between a tissue and it is in with the green segment,Sorry i know its not a great topic but on taking a better look at his food i found the offenders,I don`t know the name of these nuts,so iv enclosed a pic hoping some one could help me identify them.

Many thanks in advance,I appreciate your help so much





Jackie xx

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It really doesn't matter what the name of the nuts are. The fact is that your birds dropping shouldn't look like that. Any dropping that come out of a bird are at first very soft bordering on liquidy to mushy. As some time passes during the day, the droppings get harder and the green color becomes more pronounced. The whole dropping hardens but there's never any type of solid material in those droppings. During the day, the amount of the bird's droppings lessens. Basically, during the day, the bird is taking some leaks.


So, if you're sure that the items in that picture are coming from the food you give, you better stop giving that food. With that food above, if your bird gets constipated, it might be a long time before you can get to a vet and your bird might quickly get sick and die.


PS--if the only advice your vet told you was to keep an eye on it, get another vet. He should know that what's in the picture is abnormal.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/05/30 19:09

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Hi Dave thanks for the reply,and i know what your saying about the poop and it is exactly as you describe,except for there being tiny little pieces of this nut shell,I would`nt have known about it as you can`t see it unless it is pressed between a tissue,but I will take a sample to the vets tomorrow with pooky and get it tested and him checked over.I do not know the name of the nut in the picture ,have you any idea what it is called,many thanks for your advice Dave


Jackie xx

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I don't know what kind they are but believe me, they shouldn't be in the dropping. The droppings should be a solid green color surrounded by a white or clear thick fluid which is the urine. The biggest load gets dropped in the morning. During the day, the droppings are small. The green droppings could be reddish or orangish once in a while but that sometimes happens because of the color in the food pellets or from some fruits such as grapes or other types of fruit.


Like I said, I don't know what kind of nut it is. Ask Lovemygreys ( Tracy) . She's a real nut most of the time

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