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The Introduction of Kushka

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Hello everyone! I'm not usually a big forum user, so I'm not really sure what I should tell you. I live permanently in Scotland, but I'm originally from Iceland. I'm a film and digital arts student and I'm doing a postgraduate degree in computer programming in the autumn. I have a lot of pets. Two cats, tropical fish, an ancient lizard who I swear is immortal, hamsters and gerbils. I never intended to end up with so many animals but whenever something needs a good home I just can't say no. I don't own a parrot yet, but I will do soon and joining this forum is part of my research into being a good parrot mother. I guess I'm looking for a companion since I spend a lot of time at home and I'm not good at socializing with people, mainly because I have a mild form of Autism.

I imagine having a Grey is like having a small child. I like the idea of being responsible for the enrichment of a smart animal's life, as it also enriches mine.

It's nice to meet all of you!


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Hello Kushka and welcome to the family, so glad you decided to join and we look forward to hearing more about you and your desire to get a grey.


You are exactly right, having a grey is akin to having a perpetual small child in your home for the rest of it's life, but it is one we as grey owners wouldn't trade for anything.


Sounds like you have a big heart and you are a big softee as far as animals go but you are doing the right thing in researching and finding out all you can before you make that final plunge into grey ownership.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have as we will do our best to get some answers for them and help you in any way we can.

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Welcome to our group I love this Forum and the people here Everyone trully care for each other and theirbirds . Its because we all have the same thing in comman and we know how the other person feels about their bird because they feel the same way it makes for allot of help from allot of people that have been there them selves before welcome and I hope you enjoy it here as much as we enjoy having you.

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Kushka welcome here :) I am so happy you joined. I am sure this forum will sort of drive you into having a grey asap :laugh: It's absolutely contagious ;)

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Thank you all for being so kind to me. I am very excited to read about everyone else's experiences and I think it will be really helpful for me. It's great to have the support of so many nice people! The only problem is that joining here has made me want to get my new pet now now now! I am so excited I can barely contain myself. I thought about getting a dog but I live in a small apartment and I don't know if I can handle yet another animal that likes to pee on my laundry basket (thanks for that, kitten. Really appreciated. Great. Now all my clothes smell of wee). I can't wait to be entertained by the idiosyncrasies of a willful bird.

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kukushka wrote:

The only problem is that joining here has made me want to get my new pet now now now! I am so excited I can barely contain myself.


I can't wait to be entertained by the idiosyncrasies of a willful bird.



You have officially been bitten by the "Iwantagreyitis" and there is no cure except getting that grey!!!:lol:

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welcome kushka!

first of all get that kitty spayed right away. our katz were naughty tinklers because they had pyometra because we didn't spay them right away.


nextly, you have done well by coming to the forum before your birdy comes home. i think i found the forum in june or july last and did not get mr merlin until october. so it was a great resource for me to get my head around such a brand new experience of being a birdbrain.


when all those questions are whirling around your mind at 3AM it is so nice to have a reliable resource to draw upon.


again, welcome and we look forward to hearing all about your birdy when it comes home.



PS merlin says 'oodle'

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