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My George


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Hi everyone,:(


I am writing this with tears filling my eyes. My beloved George finally lost his fight for life today at 5:30PM


He tried so hard to overcome his illness but was to weak to continue. Thank you all for your support. Sorry I haven't posted more regularly but I have not had time.


Regards Steve

:( :( :( :( :(

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Steve, I am so sorry to hear of your loss of George, I knew he was fighting for his life but I had hoped he would pull thru but it was just not meant to be.


I have tears in my eyes at the moment just reading your post, it is so sad when one of our members loses their beloved companion but we all know what you are going thru and how you must feel.


George has gone on to the rainbow bridge where you will meet him again one day but for now hold the memories of him close to you.


Please accept my condolences on your loss and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that your heart be healed.

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Hi everyone,

I can't thank you all enough for your kind words and thoughts. 24 hours on and it's no better, I couldn't sleep last night and all the family are devistated. I have cleaned his cage and toys and have had to move them in to the garage as I cannot bare to look at them.

We have decided to have a small water feature in the garden in memory of George. People have asked if I wiil get another grey but I can't think about it at the moment. I'll visit the site to see how you are all getting on even if I don't post.

Thanks again.



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Steve, although we don't "know" each other and I am but a recent addition to the site, I do wish that you would stay and still be an active member here.

Trust me when I tell you that it can help more than hurt because we are all here for you, too many of us have been in that very same boat and know only too well what it is you are going through and it SUCKS when you have to do it alone.

Take your time, grieve ... and come back stronger, there's a little Grey bundle out there somewhere that really needs a good home and loving dad ... ;)

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