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The Rainforest is not dying alone ...

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  • 2 months later...

The President of Guyana, a country about the same size as Britain - where I live - has contacted my government offering to "give" their rainforest as a global resource (sorry about the terminology) to combat "climate change". Individual opinion on this subject is irrelevant, conserving and protecting this huge expanse of rainforest most certainly is not. I intend to write to the Prime Minister (the head of UK government), and to my local Member of Parliament (MP) urging them to accept this offer with alacrity. It is surely worth several millions in any currency to protect this ecosystem. It would be marvellous if every member of this forum would do the same, and, at the same time, lobby their own elected representative to urge their own government to support this remarkable and unique offer. Write to:

The Prime Minister

The Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP

10 Downing Street



The rain forest of Guyana will thank you all for your support.

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When I see photos of the destruction in Brazil I feel sick all over. The government seems helpless to prevent it on one hand and on the other is contributing to it. Manaus is the city where we lived and it was carved out of the rain forest. Photos from space show the vast fires and bare areas that once were lush forests. :ohmy: :( :angry:

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