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choosing my grey


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hi all OMG!! im soo excited pet shop just phoned and they've had their greys in:P iv got to go and put a deposite on him tomorrow althought he wont be coming home till after my hols in July was just wondering what do i look for when choosing him to know he is friendly and tame and most of all healthy? i am wanting a boy and they have got 1 boy and 1 girl in, should i just have hime beacuse he's they only one they got( he's 12 weeks old at the moment)or is there something i should look out for which will mean waiting for the next greys to arrive i am grate full for as much info as poss before tomorrow

thanks guys :silly: :P :laugh: B) soooo excited<br><br>Post edited by: di2008, at: 2008/05/27 15:00

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Hello Di,


Your not getting excited are you? ;-)


First, let they Grey pick you.


Interact with them, check out their personalities, physical characteristics, cere's - no mucus wet/dried, clear eyes and most importantly a bounce in their step. :-)


Get photos, so we can tell you which one to go with. :P


Seriously though, if you have specific questions, just ask!!

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Hi Di, As Dan says really let the grey kind of pick you, it;s hard to describe but you will know instantly which one is right for you.If there is only one boy i guess it's him or waiting for the next babies to come in ?

As for health as Dan says plus check the vent area, no stuck poop on it ;) Bright eyed, clear ceres/nostrils & not scared of you,backing off into the corner etc.. see if one follows you & is intrested, good luck.

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Its definitely contagious, I am excited for you that you get to pick from more than one as I did not have that option but now that I have her I wouldn't trade her for anything. But definitely let the grey pick you, thats the best way of all.


The others gave you what you should be looking for as far as health of the grey is concerned so I can't wait to hear what happens and which one if any you choose.

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When a Grey picks you its wonderful and you know right away he/she is yours forever. When I walk into see Tyco for the first time as soon as she saw me she got so excited streaching her neck towards me paceing back and forth She wouldn't let anyone touch her at all when I went up to her she stepped up on to my arm let me kiss her beak and rub her beak Tyco is a rescue so this was a very big thing for her her owner ay totaly flabergasted that I could do this with her 5 minutes after I met her and they had never been able to touch her thats how you know when your Grey picks you. I'm not saying that it hasn't been a long road for earning Tyco trust but because she picked me it hasn't been as long as a could have been. I'm also curious your reasons for wanting a boy instead of just a Grey and what happens if it happens to be the girl bird that picks you. there is really no difference in ability or intellegence between a girl and a boy. I have a girl and she has a vocabulary of over 500 word and phrases and its growing on a daily basis she is so smmart and learns so fasr and she's only 5 yrs old who knows what she will be able to do in another 5 yrs



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:silly: ahh thanx guys,, shan't be able to sleep a wink tonight, thanks for all the great advice (as usual). I dont my reasons, really, for wanting a boy just that i've heard they bond better with women(dont know how true) and being as it's gonna be my baby ( but will make everyone try to bond with it)i just thought a boy may be better. I have got an open mind though because like every one said if the female chooses me I will be just as overjoyed :).

I think the other thing that might be pushing me towards a boy is with being a first time grey mum I don't really know about nesting habbits in females, I would though as usual learn it from all you lovley grey mums and dads out there :)

thanks again every one:P

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I have both boys & girls Di, i do think all this bonding with the opposite sex is very much a myth ;) Getting your baby from an early age will of course help strengthen your bond , but be aware also that at any given point in it's life any grey may pick one family member who they see as their mate & there is really nothing you can do about that.There is a good topic in he nursery room about socializing your baby grey ;)

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hi guys baby update :) both the grey came straight to me B) they're sooo cute, I gave them a scratch and tickle :P but next week she is having 2 more in (who have not come in yet beacause they're not quite weaned)and the results from the DNA tests too so i'm going to wait until i've seen them all together before i make my choice( or rather until i'm chosen :) )sorry guys but will let you know when i've picked my birdie, going to take my camera down too so might get a piccie :)



OMG!!! 7 days is such a long long time :dry: ;)

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The suspence is killing me and now we have to wait a week more:huh: but yes I would do the same thing, wait for the other two to come in and then let one of them pick you.


Please, please, please take your camera down and get us some pics of the babies, we just love looking at them, so share them with us will ya:whistle: :lol:

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Omg another whole week of waiting I can't wait to see the pictures of the babie I just love those babie dark eyes makes my heart melt. I would love a baby grey to raise on my own mabie one day it will happen but for now the birds I have are all I need to make me happy I looooovvvve them sooooooo muuccchhh.LOL:lol: :laugh:

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hi guys really sad today :( as i wrote last week was supposed to be choosing my baby, last week she had 2 greys in and was due to have 2 more in this week so i would have 4 to choose from. been down this morning and she sold them all :( because she knows i dont want mine until July and she felt it unfair on the bird to keep him in pet shop until then. This i completley understand, but today there was a part time assistant in shop who told me that last weeks birds were already sold:angry: , i am just annoyed that she has not been totally honest with me. I have had to be cicvil to the woman as there is nowhere else where I can but my grey from, she seems to be the only supplier in stoke-on-trent uk!..:unsure: Anyway I have been reasured that there is a baby for me who will be ready in 3weeks time the only thing is there I dont get a choice:( keep you updated,

(one rather upset prospective grey mum)

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Sorry to hear that Di, as much as you want a grey please dont rush in with the next baby thats comes along, be sure your are happy with the single baby that's coming in as you dont have a choice of picking one,bear in mind all the health checks to look for,follow your head & not your heart ;)

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You know my grey did not "choose" me. lol She was the only one and I fell for her when she cooed at me and have not looked back since.

One well come along that is just right for you.

I would not give up on looking for a different place sounds like that pet shop is all about making money as fast as they can and not about the birds.

That may not be true but it is just the feeling I am getting from your post.

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Hi Di!


Just caught up with the topic... aww bless ya sweetie, I know you were sooooo excited about going to choose your new baby :(

So sorry to hear that it didn't go to plan, but everyone on here has given you some great advice about letting the baby choose you. If you don't click with the baby that the shop is getting in, then just hang on and wait. We all know just how exciting it is when you're off to get a new baby, but it is a lifetime bond :) Fingers crossed that the baby you're going to see picks you! You'll certainly know what we all mean by "being picked" when it happens! Then you can join us all by being owned by your Grey! lol :laugh:

Huge hugs and luv


Amy x

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi soo excited now just been to put dep on my baby grey (monty) he is soo cute :) he growled when i walked in shop but was soon over to the front of his cage so nibble on my fingers :laugh: he is 11 weeks old at the moment and already cracking his nuts:P so he will fine and fullu weaned by the time i bring him home on 2nd july. i will try and get some pis as soon as I can {Feel-good-00020114}love him already didnt want to leave the shop :( but will go to see him every day until i go away

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Di, you're not a little bit excited are ya:laugh: you would never know by your post:lol:


Thats great that you are able to visit with him every day, I was not that fortunate as I lived too far away for daily visits, but the first part of July is getting closer and closer, not too long now.


You better get some pics of Monty, we want to see the little bugger, you know how we are with the babies.

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