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I have a 19 year old grey that I have had since hatched. all of the sudden this past week he has begun plucking his lower chest area and on his neck. He has had no changes in his daily lifestyle or diet. He eats a variety of foods including fresh fruit and veggies plus seeds. I have always been so glad he has been a happy bird and not done this. I am so scared. Help!!!!

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Sorry to hear about your Grey starting to pluck.When was the last avian check up ? I would start with a check up since this is new especially with a bird you have had since birth.There are many post , about plucking that you can read on this forum .So just do a search .Hopefully you can find one that will help you . A lot of members use Aloe Vera juice in the spray bath .Good luck .Welcome to the group .


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Welcome 1200babe!!


A 19 year old Grey that just started plucking is a tough one. As Mary indicated, an Avian vet visit is probably in order.


Also, has anything changed in his cage, surroundings, new guests, new animals etc?


Is he undergoing a molt, many Grey's are, at this time.


Having had him for 19 years, you have obviously done a great job in caring for him and know him better than anyone. Is his plucking the only change you have noted in his behavior?

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19 years!! You should be telling US what to do :P;) .. most of us have greys that are only a couple of years at most. Oh my! I bet you could tell us a thing or two about greys... What they are like as they get older, how their interests change or stay the same over the years. Your grey is older than my kids... Wow...


I know the plucking is a new thing... but when you get it sorted can you hang around and give us some tips and pointers? Please??????

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Something has obviously changed in his life to cause the plucking and a vet visit is necessary to rule out any physical reason but my guess is it is something behavioral.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and this grey of yours, I bet you could tell us some stories since you have had him for 19 years.:P

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