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Breeding my grey and change of behavior?


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Hi, I found this site and was hoping you could answer my question. I have a grey who is 12 years old. I have had him for about 1 year now, and work with him every day. He is very tame. Anyway, I was thinking about trying to get him a girlfriend and breeding him. I'm wondering if he will stop bonding to me and being nice once he gets a girlfriend and has babies? Also, the previous owners tried to breed him when he was 5, and he wasn't interested. **On a side note, he doesn't hardly talk! He will whistle and make noises, and talk a tiny bit when he knows when we in the house, but not in the same room. Any suggestions?

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Welcome smit9654!!


To answer your question directly, if your Grey did in fact decide to "Bond" with a mate for life and become a "Breeder". Neither would be interested in having or continuing a relationship with you. Their world would become centered on the love between themselves and raising a family of their own. They would essentially become a unit of "One". The only allowance would be, you cold still skillfully feed, water and clean their cage for them while trying to ward-off the vicious attacks and bites if you venture into their "Zone" too far.


Your side note - Your Grey may nor may not talk more. The only thing that will increase the vocabulary will be how much time you spend talking to him and repeating what you wish him to say. Even then, he may or may not chose to talk much more than present.


Why don't you formally introduce yourself and your Grey in the New Members section so others will also be aware of your just joining our Forum?


Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance to upload some. :-)

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