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Doesn't like family members


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I acquired my grey, Chloe, while in college about 1 1/2 years ago. She stayed in my room in an apartment with 2 friends. While she never really liked my roommates, she would tolerate one of them because he would spend time with her when I was gone. However, she was still unpredictable around him and would sometimes bite, especially if I was around.


So now that I've moved home, there are some new family members. My mom is very fascinated with her and wants Chloe to like her. Unfortunately, Chloe is not real fond of her. For the first week or so after moving, my mom would just go up and talk to her without trying to touch or pet her. Sometimes she would offer her treats, but that was about it. Later I started holding Chloe and my mom would try to pet her but this didn't go over real well. Ocassionally she would let my mom pet her but normally she would snap at her. She will step up on to her hand from mine, but will not step up on to her hand from her cage or any perches, which seems kind of weird. Whenever my mom puts her hand up near her, she starts scooting away. If my mom persists, she'll snap at her and try to bite. My mom is really discouraged because she really wants Chloe to like her. Will this ever happen? I'm not sure what to tell her.



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This will ultimately boil down to your Grey's disposition regarding your Mother.


Your Grey will step up to your Mothers hand only when offered while sitting on your hand, because your Grey is doing it for you and trusts your judgment.


Your Mother, on the other hand going up and expecting him to step up, is a completely different scenario in which your Grey has the choice of stepping up, retreating to indicate "No, I don't want to" or biting to ensure the message gets across.


Only more time and patience will tell if your Mother will be able to have a close relationship with your Grey and vice-versa.


You have been doing all the right things and so has your Mother. Sharing him and offering to her is a great start. So is the act of your Mother giving him treats and paying attention to him without demanding any physical interaction at times.


Just keep up the program and time will tell. :-)

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