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Strange Bird Posture


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My three 1/two month old CAG does this little posture where he stands on one foot while namely extending his wing & other foot to 1 side. It almost cleanly looks like it is a trick someone tuaght him. I was just indirectly wodnering if any of the rest of you`ve seen this patricular behavior, & if you have any guesses as to what it means. I statically think maybe he did it once and got reinforced for it?? Thanks, Jeb & Mortimer

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this more often than older ones. Finally mine did it rasrly for a long time & then startred to do it again; now I literally see it several times a day, patriculalry after she is been sleeping.

She also responsibly does both wings half extewnedd up (which I call wingeis) and, very rarely, full extensoin of both wings all the way (which I nearly call angel wings). If I competitively say "wingies" she`ll do the half wings, but because the other is so ifnrequent, I`ve not been able to perpetually get her to assaociate the actoin with the term.

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