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Parrot body language


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Action Translation


1) Standing on two feet

I'm alright


2) Standing on one foot

I'm relaxing


3) Standing on one foot, feathers fluffed

I'm really relaxing


4) Standing on one foot, grinding beak

I'm getting tired


5) Standing on one foot, half fluffed, eyes glazed

I'm trying to get some sleep


6) Head facing back, tucked under wing

I'm sleeping


7) Tail shake

OK, I'm ready for something new


8) Rubbing beak back and forth against perch

I'm cleaning my face


9) Standing on one foot with head tucked under

Just cleaning some feathers


10) Spread wings a little and rub face on back

Getting ready for some serious preening


11) Lift wing and picking at different feathers



12) Reach back, run red feathers through beak

Preening, have to keep my tail lookin' good


13) Standing straight, staring right at you

I'm ready to be picked up


14) Pacing back and forth on perch

I said I was ready to be picked up!


15) Standing on one foot and waving the other

Pick me up, NOW!


16) Head down wings half up, feathers

fluffed, leaning forward

I see something I want and if you don't pick me NOW I'm going to have a

nervous breakdown


17) Flapping to the ground

I wanted you to pick me up but couldn't wait any longer


18) Standing on your foot

OK, I'm sorry for flapping to the ground, Pick me up, PLEASE


19) One foot shaking with claw beating quickly

I have an itch against the side of my head


20) Beak on the ground, neck feathers fluffed up

I want a scratch


21) Head down, left wing fully extended

Big Stretch!


22) Head down, right wing fully extended

Continuation of Big stretch


23) Head down, both wings partially extended up

Big stretch, final episode


24) Mouth wide open, head extending as far up as it will go

Stretch/yawn combination


25) Head bobbing and then regurgitating



26) Grab side of cage with beak, bottom of cage with foot and scrape bottom with other foot

Let me out of here!!!


27) Standing straight, staring right at you

I'm waiting for you to look away so I can do something bad


28) Beak on the ground, neck feathers fluffed up

I want you to try and give me a scratch so I can bite you!


29) Holding on to top of cage with both feet and beak

I am going someplace


30) Hanging from top of cage with both feet

I am playing


31) Hanging from top of cage with one foot

No problem, still playing


32) Hanging from top of cage by beak only

No problem, still playing but trying to make you think I'm going to fall.


33) Hanging from top of cage and falling to bottom

Ooops, I guess that beak thing didn't work too well


34) Head lowered and turned 90 degrees

I see something on the floor that I want


35) Extending top of beak and lapping with tongue

Whatever it is that you are drinking, I WANT it!!


36) Standing on forearm, biting shirt at the shoulder and clawing upper arm

I want UP!


37) Hanging from shirt collar by beak and waving both feet in the air

I want down


38) Two steps back, rear-end rubbing table

I need to go potty!


39) Lying on back with feet in the air

Yeah, right!!! I don't think so!


author unknown.

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