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I don't have a grey yet, but I am very hopeful that this is my year to get one. I am just trying to get a few things in place first.


My only bird experience so far is a kakariki called Tweety. He is 5 years old and is a really sweet bird. I want to learn lots about greys to be sure that I can handle one :)

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Welcome Tweety!!


What a pretty red fronted kakariki you have there. I assume you may be from New Zealand? If not, sorry for the assumption.


Grey's are a wonderful addition to anyones family, but in most cases, not a real welcoming bird to species outside their own.


Looking forward to hearing more from you in regards your quest to get a a Grey. :-)

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hello tweety your birdie is beautiful :) i have not got my grey yet either but have been reaserching since last summer, this is a fantastic forum and the people are wonderful and very knowlegable(forgive spelling:blink: )

i have learned bucket loads off here , i an getting my grey in july and i really really cant wait( july is soo far away:unsure: ).good luck in your quest for a grey and look forward to hearing more about you AND your birdie when you get him/her :)



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Hello Tweety and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your quest to own a grey.


You have certainly come to the right place if you are interested in acquiring a grey and our members will tell you anything you want to know about them and what awesome creatures they are.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful and helpful information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have. We will do our best to find some answers for you and help you in any way we can.

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