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Hyacinth Macaw interaction


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Greetings, all.


My wife and I are planning to get an AG one of these days (when we move back to the U.S.). We also hope eventually to adopt a Hy. Does anybody have any experience or information on how the two birds typically get along together? With different innate temperaments and sizes I could see how there could be problems. Then again, maybe they can get along just fine. Also, with the fact that the AG would have already become established with the two of us it might react rather badly to the new intrusion. What say you all?




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Dan is right on with his advice, greys typically do not get along with other species or even another grey so separate cages are a must.


A lot of the members here have more birds than just their grey or greys and they handle the out of cage time for each very nicely.


You do bring up a good point but whichever bird is first to belonging to your household then that bird needs to be first in everything so it knows it is the top dog, so to speak.


I envy you for your being able to have a hyacinth, they are majestic creatures and very beautiful but much too large and expensive for me to handle.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room.

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Hyacinth are HUGE and even a playful nip could be trouble to an AG. So I would give them their own out of cage time and spaces. Just to be safe.


Heck the one at work pinced me and it left a mark. She was not being mean just checking me out.


So just use common since and it should work out fine.


Kitty the Hyacinth where I work is so sweet to me. But at this time I am the only one that spends any time with her and her owner is ever scared of her. lol But when she gets out she well step up for me and go back to her cage with out a net. My husband loves her too but she is more bird then I care to own.

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