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Deepening relationship with Jenna


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Of course, I adored Jenna from the first time I laid eyes on her ~smiles~ But it took her a little longer. Go figure, huh? How dare she act as if I was a total stranger??? Just because . . . well . . . Because I WAS? Hehehehe At first, Jenna was so attached to the breeder that, although she tolerated me, I was afraid she would never really become attached to me. She would let me handle her and play with her for brief intervals when I went to visit, but she always flew away and perched somewhere else, or flew to the breeder. The first time Jenna ever flew to me was the day I went to take her home, and that made me so happy I could have cried.


When I first brought her home (April 12th), I was the only one in the house Jenna was familiar with, and that clearly made a difference to her. I was sort of her safety blanket ~chuckles~ However, she would still fly away from me a lot, and she got nippy with me from time to time. No biggie, we were doing well together. She would contact call when I left the room, and she clearly preferred having me around to having me gone, and I was happy with the way things were going. I didn't even realize how much better things could get!


For about the past week, things have shifted. I am not sure I can even describe it; it probably does not look much different from the outside, but it FEELS different. Jenna has not nipped at me once, even when I was trying to get her to do something she did not want to do (go into her cage, for example). She chirps at me and chatters with me whenever I am in the house. She flies TO me instead of away from me. She lets me cuddle her a little more - she's not a cuddly bird, but she is definitely allowing more touch than she was at first. I have a sense of her presence wherever I am in the house, even if I am in another room. There is some sort of . . . connection there . . .that I never had before.


This is such a surprise to me, and such an exciting adventure, to develop a real relationship with a creature as amazing as Jenna is. She is the highlight of my currently VERY stressful life right now. What a blessing!


Anyway, I knew I could tell you all this and you would understand ~smiles~ Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

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:) As grey owners im sure we can all relate to how your feeling at the moment ;) Im so pleased that Jenna has gained your trust, it is a wonderful feeling, one of my re-homes came to me & i was unable to handle her, nearly a year on every member of my family handles her & she is a little sweetheart ;) My your relationship continue to blossom with her :)
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Well Congratulations Raposa!!


It's wonderful to hear that Jenna is in love with you, as you are with her. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more frequent updates and seeing photos during those "Kodak" moments. Which will occur every 1 or 2 minutes. :P

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