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Andrew Comments about losing Tui


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I don't know if Andrew comes to this forum anymore - I know I probably wouldn't be able to stand it if that happened to me. I just want him to know that another voice is added to the many who have expressed sadness for his loss of beloved Tui.


Like many others, I discovered Tui and Andrew on Youtube several months ago while doing some internet research about Greys and teaching them to talk and interact with you like a friend instead of just a pet. I was mesmerized by the relationship between Andrew and his bird and laughed with their shared antics (particularly Tui 'throwing a tantrum' and swearing hah!


I was horrified to learn months later that Tui had accidentally flown away :( and yes I did watch Andrew's heartfelt filming on youtube after she was gone. I cried and shared with my man because he had particularly liked Tui and Andrew with the funny NZ accent.


Do you really think Tui was taken in by someone else who had either refused to bring her back or doesn't even know she's being missed? It has to be obvious to anyone who finds her that she's very loved and speaks clearly with that unmistakeable accent.


I guess its better to hope this is the case, that she's with someone else who is treating her well and not passed away from some unfortunate accident while lost. I know I'd be constantly worried about her well-being. It's got to be just like losing a human child honestly.


If anyone has information or update on this story, please let me know... I don't know if Andrew went back to New Zealand but I wish him peace and comfort wherever he goes and hope with all my heart he and Tui will be reunited someday.




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Andrew -

I also am not sure that you visit this forum anymore, but I thought it would be better to still comment than not.


Like so so many others, I discovered you and Tui on Youtube. I had just moved to California, and was thinking of aquiring a new bird, as i've been an experienced bird owner for many years, but hadn't had one since I moved from Boston to Sacramento. I happened to stumble upon your videos and was amazed at how incredibly intelligent Tui was and was even more inspired to get a bird after watching the incredible bond you and Tui shared.


I know it must sound like a broken record by now, but I wanted to at the very least offer my condolances for Tui, such a loss must be so devastating. Especially after all the hard work you put into making her the bird she was. I feel that you are really too hard on yourself about making yourself so much less socially available because of Tui- it's at the least extremely understandable that you would devote all that time to perhaps the most important companion in your life. She seemed like more of your child than pet.


I hope, like everyone else who has you in their thoughts, that she will eventually return, even with your plans to go back to New Zealand. And if she does not, I hope you find a new bird that is almost as special as Tui was.


I also would love any information and updates on Tui.


You have made a very significant impact in the world of pet birds and have inspired hundreds, if not thousands, of people with your story and devotion to Tui. I hope you can find comfort in that, at the very least.


Good luck and lots of love!





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