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Visiting Hummer

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Back when we still lived in the apartment we had lots of our Orchids also hanging outside that drew all kinds of birds, especially hummingbirds. Here are a few pics of one of my visitors.







Hope you enjoyed looking at them. ;)<br><br>Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2008/06/05 22:04

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Oh I love hummingbirds, I have one tattooed on my leg, I put out feeders for them every spring for we don't have them year round in VA, thanks for sharing them.


You really need to resize them down a little to fit the page, especially the first 2, much too large to view properly.:blink: :P

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I am in total awe and have deep respect for your photographing talents looking at that second photo. There are just no words that can express my appreciation of that photo. It is simply UNIQUE... (and -of course- I'm green with jealousy that I cannot shoot photos like that :laugh: )

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beautiful hummingbirds are one of my favorites When I was just a little girl we used to get allot oof them in my moms garden and I could sit there for hours watching them. They where never afraid of my presence I think thats why I liked them so much they just went on about their bussiness like I wasn't even there.



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