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Help Please, Travel Issue


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Hi there folks,


A little background first, im from England and got myself and african grey when i lived with my long term partner. We got it from a baby and it was a really happy bird, never in its cage and well trained (well as far as i know for a first time owner.) Unfortunately we broke up and it did cause a little distress for the little guy but i he got used to it and again settled into a nice routine.


Unfortunately due to life and work i had to relocate over to the USA and i left him with my mum who tries her best but i really dont think its for the best. Hes in the cage more and i dont like it.


Im pretty much settled here now and im wondering what the process would be to get him sent over? would it be even more distress for him?


Im just trying to do whats best whatever that may be.





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Well, you would have to contact the area in the UK that officially deals with shipping animals and giving out permits. I don't know the names of places out there but there's many other members on this board that live in the UK that might. Also, have your mum contact the avian vet by her and he/she will steer her to the proper places to check information concerning exporting parrots.

That process might take a bit of time but again, that positive information would come from the UK animal organization.

After that has cleared, you would have to get a certified airline company that specializes in shipping animals overseas. I don't know what the charge would be but I do know it's pretty expensive. Shipping a bird from one state to another state here in the US is also expensive.

Once your bird arrives in the US, it will be kept in a animal medical center and will get quarantined for approx 30 days. Again, I don't know the price. After all of that, you can get your bird. Most of the above applies to most animals of different types but it's more stringent with parrots because all parrots are considered wild animals which they are. As far as distress, probably yes but that would apply to most animals. But in order to find that out you'll need to get more official information from the proper sources.

These rules apply to all countries that export animals to the US. For Profit Commercial export of birds into the US has been against the law here since 1992 but that doesn't apply to you as long as you go through the official proper channels. Also, have your mum contact the avian vet by her and he/she will steer her to the proper places to check concerning exporting parrots.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/05/23 03:23

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I think once your parrot is in the us as long as you can provide a proper place for quarintine which is a place where only the bird and care giver will be allowed you can quarintine your own bird for 30 days it must be a place approved by a avian vet I think I'm not possitive but a friend of mine brought her pet bird over and that was the case with her, mind you I live in Canada so the laws may be different in the States. Pat

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I hope you get him home with you very soon. Please keep us updated as I think it would be a very interesting process for us to follow, and helpful to others that may have to do the same as you. :dry:

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Who knows, your baby may be so relieved to see you at the end of it's ordeal that it would settle fast. On the other hand you may have to deal with weeks of acting out, but what are a few weeks in the life of a grey? Good luck with whatever decision you make.

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