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tryed something new with Tyco


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As you all now Tyco is a rescue and is just stating to trust again. I have always just let her be to do what she want I don't push her much. This morning I decided I was going to try something so I went over to her cage and stepped her up onto a perch and left the room with her. We went into the spare bedroom and I sat down on the bed and put her on the bed beside me. We sat there for about 5 minutes with me talking to her and asking her if she was a happy girl and if she liked being out and about. then I asked her to stwp up without a perch and she stepped up right onto my arm. she was looking everywhere checking everything out she didn't seem scared or nervous or anything so I said to her lets go for a little adventure so we left the room and I walked over to the liveing room window and looked out side I asked her what she could see and said look at all the flowers and trees aren't they pretty then we walked around a little more and I took her bake to her cage and offered her to step up off my arm. She refused she didn't want to go back, So I grabbed a portable stand and put it beside me at the computer and put her there instead. she sat with me for about an hour watching me and looking around. She could see her cage from there and fly back at anytime but she choose not too It made my feel all gushy inside to know that she was happier sitting with me than on her cage I still have a permanent smile on my face. She is so comeing around and it makes me very happy Pat

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Pat , how awesome for you and Tyco .She is so lucky to have you .Someone willing to give her another chance in life to be loved and well cared for . Time and work , the more you give the more you get back .We are all so truly blessed to have these wonderful birds in our hearts , home, and on our hands .It really is a miracle that all they do can actually take place in our homes and right before our eyes.

Thanks for sharing a wonderful story.

Congrats on the accomplishment !!!!


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