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my cockatoo thinks he's a father


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My Cockatoo has a little white plastic ball and he's very protective over it He keeps it in his card board boxes that I put in his cage to chew up I think he tinks that ball is an egg he turns it and sits on it. I laugh at him it so funny. He's not aggresive or anything he just love that ball Its the only toy he has that he hasn't chewed to peices I have to put new thing in his cage on a daily basis because like most Cockatoos the love chewing up every thing their beak comes incontact with his favorite thing is heavy cardboard I try to find the thickest card board boxes I can for him and he still goes through one every other day I fill a garbage bag on a daily basis just with little peices of chewed up card board what a mess he makes. the joys of haveing birds. Gotta love em hehe Pat

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Yes it is sweet but I'm a little worried he may get aggresive over it so when I put him to bed tonight I took away his ball he will soon forget about it and go on with being his sweet cuddly self. if it was just me in the house it would be okay but I have to worry about my daughter I don;t want her getting attacked by a over protective bird that could do a enormous amount of damage Pat

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I know what you mean Tycos_Mom. I had to remove Topaz's Happy Hut she was getting way to protective of it and not being her sweet self.


It does sound like you did the right thing.


But I sure bet that was so cute to see.:laugh:

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