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Leaving Biggles for the first time :-(


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Hi everyone,


I'm off on a long weekend jolly tomorrow and will be leaving Biggles for the first time ever! He is going to stay with my mum and dad (who are both very excited at having him)

Just thought i'd ask if anyone had any advice to give to make things less stressful on Biggles? (and me!)

We are not leaving until tomorrow but are going to take Biggles over to the parents this evening so I can stay with him for a little while before we go.

I have already given the speech on the importance of not letting Biggles out of his cage.


I feel soo anxious about going away and leaving him (which is probably just me being silly). :(


Thanks in advance!




Amy x iggle_piggle.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: pixiexoxo, at: 2008/05/22 10:25


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hi amy :) i not got any advice as such ( not yet got my grey )but from all the threads ive read on here he'll be fine;)xx ,and if you've stressed for your parents to NOT let him out of the cage then there'll be nothing to worry about, just wait till you come home and the greeting he will give you will have been worth it, he will miss you just as much as you miss him, so don't worry hunni and go off on your jollies and enjoy yourself B) xx and you are only going to be gone for a few days:P :silly:

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You should try to call biggles everyday if you can. We do this with our greys when we are away. We then get put on speaker phone and we chat away to them. One of them even puts his foot up to reach for the phone, hehe.


I know for me it helps a alot just to hear their noises and talking.

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Wow, Biggles looks so much like Oisin its scary. I know to the outsider all greys look alike, but really, that looks so like my baby :ohmy:


Dont worry about Biggles, he'll be absolutely fine. You should probably also warn your parents not to stuff him with too many treats and definitely no chocolate etc. If they are anything like my parents they will want to spoil him rotten. ;)

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Amy you go and have a wonderful long weekend and Biggles will be just fine and he will be so happy to see you when you get back.:P


One thing I will mention, your parents do have a list of what he is not allowed to have, right?:huh:

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Hi all!


Have just returned from dropping Biggles off with mum and dad and wow are they excited about having him! lol :laugh:


Have written out a list of dos and don'ts and promptly stuck it to my mum's fridge and lectured her on all the important things hee hee.... I felt like I was the mother in the relationship today :laugh:


Biggles was fine! He chatted away as normal and was loving the extra attention being shown to him so after staying for a couple of hours (just to make sure he was ok, and the fact I didn't want to say goodbye) we came home.


It was AWFUL to walk into my house and see a big empty space where Biggle's cage usually stands, and my son promptly burst into tears, so got straight on the phone to mum to check everything was ok and could hear Biggle's whistling the Great Escape theme song in the background which put a smile on my face :)


Thanks again for all the advice peeps!! I shall certainly be doing the daily phonecall thing over the weekend so I can hear him!



Amy x

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Yes, the phone call thing is a very good thing to do. Katrin, my wife, goes on business trips all over the States and is gone for one to two weeks at a time and calls every day so I can hold the phone to each and every bird we have, lol. They love it and know that Momma is still there even if they can't see her.

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Yes, the phone call thing is a very good thing to do. Katrin, my wife, goes on business trips all over the States and is gone for one to two weeks at a time and calls every day so I can hold the phone to each and every bird we have, lol. They love it and know that Momma is still there even if they can't see her.

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pixiexoxo wrote:

got straight on the phone to mum to check everything was ok and could hear Biggle's whistling the Great Escape theme song in the background which put a smile on my face :)


Thank goodness you told your parents not to let him out of the cage... sounds like he might be planning the Great Escape :)

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