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:ohmy: I should have known better. My 5 month old grey, Bailey, loves to sit on my shoulder while I am on the computer. If I don't scratch him or pay enough attention to him, he nibbles my ear to remind me he is there. Well, he thought he was being ignored, grabbed my post earing and got it off my ear. I saw the back fall, but the post was in his mouth. I tried to grab it out, but he pulled his head back and I didn't see what happened. So when I got him to step off my shoulder I new for sure it wasn't in his mouth, but I couldn't find it on the rug. In a panic I shook myself to see if it fell on me, and with flashlight searched the floor. Of course my area rug is black and maroon and post was black stone. I couldn't find it. I started to call my vet, when my eagle eye grandaughter came in and spotted it on the rug. What a relief.


Has this happened to anyone else? How serious is it to the bird if he had swallowed it?

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It has never happened to me but then again I don't wear an jewlery when I'm home with the birds I don't know what would happen if they swallowed it Icould be quite dangerous I would say mabie puncher their crop or mabie even worse.Scary to even think about I'm glad It didn't happen. Pat

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Yes, this happens quite frequently to me. Talon grabs my diamond post earring when you least expect it. When she has it in her mouth, I try to get her to open up for a pencil or a cotton swab, or something she doesn't get to have, but wants. Usually after a little battle, she gives up and drops it. She knows I freak out if she has my earring in her mouth. One time though, she actually bent the post. :S


I keep my hair down, as to cover my ears, other wise, she would do this every time I saw her. I am always on guard when she is on my shoulder, as she is quick, and I worry about her swallowing it. I know others here ALWAYS take their earrings off as soon as they get home. I imagine that it would be very dangerous if they swallowed them. :huh:

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Zahzu has never gone for my earrings, but she has gone for buttons and things like that. From what I know and have observed, it is not really likely that they'd swallow something like that right away, they seem more interested in playing with it and if its not crushed up they won't swallow just like that. That is just my thoughts, I may be very wrong! I notice even when Zahzu pulls out a thread from my clothing she'll play with it, make it into a ball and then spit it out.

Hope that helps!

Also, Zahzu went through a phase of biting ears - I ignored her and she eventually stopped biting my ears, but she still goes for my husband's ears! I always tell him ignore it, because she LOVES the reaction (it also tickles me!!)... so the more calmly you react the better!



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Any bling - bling is a BIG flashy thing to a Grey. :-)


The danger of an earring is more so to you than your Grey. They could just rip it out of your ear, if they so desired.


I know one such forum member here that experienced it, but will leave his/her name out to avoid possible retaliation. ;-) B)

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You must be talking about Talon, opps, sorry Penny, I let the cat out of the bag there, sorry I opened my big mouth:blush: :whistle: :laugh:


That is EXACTLY why I don't wear any jewlery around the house and because they have bent and destroyed a few pair of earrings that I was so bold to wear around them, never again!!!;):P

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I wear my hair to cover my ears. It always makes my hair dresser laugh when I say, cut it short but leave my ears covered. The inevitable question is always... why, do you not like your ears? The answer, I do, but so does my parrot :laugh:

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I was wearing hoop earrings, and Klaus pulled the the thick part of the earring backwards through the piercing hole. Talk about PAIN. My bro-in-law had to get it out for me, that's how badly it was stuck.


I sport the earring-free look now! LOL

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Thats pretty much a given, if you allow your grey on your shoulder then you have to give up the earrings but if you prefer to wear the earrings then you don't allow your grey on your shoulder, plain and simple. I chose to shoulder my grey so I only wear earrings when I am going out.:whistle:

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