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YEA Sammy goes to his new play stand


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Finally after 6 whole days of trying to get this guy to stay on this new play area , he finally accepted it.He would fly away and we just kept on taking him back .Today he has been there for hours playing his heart out .I am so excited for him to have all new toys to play with and ladders to climb for exercise .


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Judy ,I am really shocked it happened so quick .You know when you are trying to introduce them to a new whatever it gets so frustrating because we know they will love it .He came from a lady who couldnt give him neat toys and playstands , she couldnt afford them and I AM SO EXCITED TO HAVE HIM HERE !!!!!!I want to buy him something every weekend .Our Alexandrine is so spoiled when I come in with bags , she comes over to see what I bought for her .LOL....She knows when a box comes in the front door it is probably something for them and here she comes.LOL..

Thank you for the reply,


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That so nice for you. I make everything new my birds get its either baby toys from the dollar store or things that I make myself they have a large play area that I made with branches from my lilac tree and pvc pipe. and I go to the lumber yard and get all the scrap untreated safe wood and sisal rope I have a drill and a saw and I make all their toys myself I also buy some things at the craft store to add to the toys I make There is just no way that I could afford to buy the bird toys that they sell but my birds love the things I make for them I add poka dots to the wood with food coloring so that they look appealing. I don't think my birds know the difference and they have a wonderful time destroying them and Tyco my Grey some how is never afraid of the new toys she gets I think its because allot of the time I'll use parts from old toys that are still good or mabie its because allot of the time she watches me make them and if I;m making a new toy for her I tell her that this toy is going to be hers and I talk to her about how much fum she is going to have playing with it after I'm finished putting it together. She gets so excited she puffs her feathers and watches me so closley its really quite cute. I guess we all spoil our birds in our own way my birds have tons of toys foot toys hanging toys swings and pLaygyms all that I make myself If I had the money I might buy their toys instead but I;m not so sure about that I really enjoy putting my imagination to work thinking up new ways to put wood and plastic On a peice of sisyel rope Pat

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Pat ,I agree . I do make a lot of toys myself for my birds and most of the things I buy are not expensive .Sometimes I go to a bird show and buy inexpensive toys and come home and take them apart , add to them and make two toys one for each .What I was referring to about Sammy's past owner , she gave him dog toys from the grocery store , no wood to chew and bottle caps off of water bottles.I had stuff from our Grey before who passed away that were in nice condition when Sammy came, we gave them to him and he was so excited . He loves wood and she said he hated it .They play with all kinds of stuff from the kitchen , I made a foraging chain out of butter tubs , the small ones going down a plastic chain and my Alexandrine loves it .

We should start a toy making room , to share ideas .Have fun and keep on making those toys .

Hugs ,


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I just love your margarine tub Idea can I use it your right it so much fun to make toys and like I said Tyco isn't afraid of the toys I make for her because I can get her involved from the begining and by the time the final product is ready she so excited she can't wait to get her beak on that toy to see how fast she can destroy it. some times a the dollar store they have a few bird toys and I'll get a few because their only a buck or two and Tyco is always a little leary of them at first but I find those toys even though there wood my Amazon and Cockatoo have them turned into toothpicks in 5 minutes flat the toys I make actually last a week or two they can chomp through the wood they use in seconds I swear it must be balsa wood it so soft. I use untreated spruce or pine for the toys I make and the blocks are bigger also. I guess they make them so birds can destroy them Quickly so their owners have to buy more but there is no way I'mm going to spend 20.00 on a toy that my birds can turn into tooth picks in 5 minutes flat to me thats a total waste of hard earned money I can make quite a few toys for 20.00 I'm sure you can also. Pat

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Pat,Of course you may use my butter tub foraging toy idea . I just used a knife and made slits in the bottom so it wouldnt slide on the plastic chain .I fill them with treats and toys .Zsa Zsa , my Alexandrine loves it .I also used a plastic chain on her playstand and attached a toy sand bucket at the bottom to fill with toys , she is so funny she climbs inside and peeks out .They love the lids to those butter tubs also and play with them for hours .Don't forget the bottle caps off of bottled water , another toy staple in our house.....

I buy my toy making parts from Nalanitoys.com .I think they are pretty reasonable and they stress safty.

Yes they love to watch as we make them and you are so right , they tear them up quickly.

Have a good afternoon ,


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