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Cage Debate


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Hi guys it's me again, me, my wife and a friend, that does own birds had a debate, I bought a Cage for Nike, but here is the thing my friend said that his grey or his eclectus or something like that, was never caged and they don't fly either, my wife agree with him, I think he should go there to sleep or if we are not home!

What do you guys think?

He is the pic of his cage, did not received yet but is on its way!



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Well birds should be allowed to fly in my opinion, thats why they have wings ;) you dont buy a dog & cut of it's legs ! Yes your grey should be caged when you are out for safety reasons, leaving a bird free in any room, other than a birdroom is an acident waiting to happen.A playstand is a good place for your grey to hang out when he is not caged.

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Im a little lost here, you have a cage for nike ? or have you purchased the one you posted ?

I think greys should have as much out of cage time with the interaction of the family as possible, but equally your grey should feel happy & content in his cage, many greys like the security of their cages & they should be caged at night & when no-one is home.

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Yeap, I did got that one on the pic, I just thought that I trew some mad money away! I got that one because it doesn't look like any other cage I saw, it looks like a piece of furniture. But to tell you the truth, Nice doesn't even balance right on the perch, so will be a while till hes fully in there, the company also gave me a dummy doors so he doesn't fly to the acrilic doors we he learn how to fly! the cage is 60"H X 60"L X 36"D, Do you think is a good size?

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Oh its a very good size, big enough for a macaw even and yes it is unlike most cages because it doesn't look like a cage but they are very pricey.


Like Tracy said, your grey should be caged at night and whenever you are away from home for it's own safety.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I almost bought a cage identical to that some freinds of mine had to rehome their grey and they were and still are I beleive selling that cage for 400. anyway I want to tell you a story about what happens when birds aren't caged at night. I had a beautiful bird when I was 20 years old and I thought I'm never going to keep this bird in a cage he had a cage but just to hold his food. one night we had company over staying with us for a few days he was out and came home late we were all sleeping he came in and not knowing the house tripped over something and spooked the bird the bird flew in the dark and hit the wall. the bird died. I cryed so hard and for so long that bird was everything to me. The bird must be put in a cage to sleep and when your not home. I cannot stress this enough You just never know whats going to happen and if the bird gets startaled and something bad happens you will never be able to forgive yourself and it will be your fault because you neglected to put your bird in the safety of a cage sorry if this sounds harsh its meant too. So that you understand how inportant it is for your Grey to be in a cage for its safety and your peace of mind.



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Everyone here that said to put the bird in the cage to sleep is giving you sound advice. Also put your bird in the cage when people come over. Greys are nervous around new things, especially people.

After a while, a parrot usually wants to go into his/her cage to eat and sleep every night. It's a habit that the owner starts and the bird continues. Some birds will even express themselves in the evening when they want the light dimmed or out. If you hear squawking during the evening after the bird is in the cage, don't mistake that thinking the bird wants to come out. Most greys have their final hurrah about 1 to 2 hrs before they nod off. That is usually the grey's way of saying ***oh boy, glad this day is over. I think i'll sound off about this day and then I'll get me a beer and finally call it a day***


That's a pretty cage. But watch out, that cage is gonna be a prime target for serious chewing. So much wood. A parrot can't resist that temptation. To a parrot it's gonna seem like true homemade lasagna and it's gonna be served everyday.

Plus, you won't be able to put any polish on it because of slight oil and residue from the polish.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/05/31 03:04

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I agree also. A Cage is a necessity. It is their refuge, their "Own" place of safety, solitude and sleeping comfort.


In the wild, they all have a "Place" they retreat to such as a hole in a tree that is where they go to get out of the weather, escape predators, to sleep and raise their young. It is natural for them to have a shelter.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It is a nice cage and the size is fine. Make sure to provide lots of perches down low when Nike is first learning how to perch and behave like a grown-up bird. Unless you have a completely bird-proofed room you really must have a cage for a bird to keep it safe whenever you are not around. There are so many things that can get a bird in trouble in our houses, open toilets- they can drown in just a little bit of water, power cords- they could chew and electrocute themselves, plants that they shouldn't chew on, furniture you might not want destroyed, etc. Use your imagination. A bird is like a very small child that doesn't think about the danger in the situation. It would be wonderful if the birds could live free just like us in our houses but for their own safety please don't do it.

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