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Cleaning supplies


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Lovemygrey , you are so sweet , I am so glad we make you smile . Please direct all cleaning questions to Kim and I in the future.I wonder if we should charge for info or perhaps we should have an official cleaning moderator title ? What do you think .I am probably going to be in trouble since part of this is OT ...Sorry.



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Here is some info on a new cage cleaner which is a broad spectrum cleaner which eliminates harmful bacteria , viruses, spores, molds, and mildews. It is safe , non toxic to humans ,animals and plant life. Long lasting effects with deoderizer. Used in hospitals and pet shelters .The name of the product is Nok Out...

Contact Paradise Perch@ www.parrotdiseperch.com

Just thought I would get us back on topic .

Mary<br><br>Post edited by: bettyboop, at: 2008/05/30 12:13

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I use diluted bleach at home and at the pet store. For the cages I can NOT live without my poop-off. It's safe around the birds and OMG does it work. I dilute it half and half with water because it works just as good and I get twice as much.


Is Florida too long of a drive for you Mary? Hahahaha!

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Hello Codysmom,

the only thing that concerns me about EZ care , although it sounds wonderful is that it says it smells like oranges.Would this be too much for the birds ? Most of the orange cleaners are pretty strong smelling.


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Hey BMustee, Sorry Florida is way to far...LOL...However if all of you want to pay for my round trip flight , I might work something out ..LOL...

I like the suggestion you have for diluting the Poop Off. Do you rinse afterwards ?

Keep up the good you are doing for those birdies at the Pet store. I know they love it.


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Empress, I hope we have not scared you away from getting that baby. I assure you the love and joy he /she will bring into your life is much better than the smell of a cleaning product. You know as Kim has suggested the new green cleaners smell good, so they are offering a new line that is safe to use around birds,( not on cages)and probably better for us.

It will be OK.


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BMustee wrote:

I use diluted bleach at home and at the pet store. For the cages I can NOT live without my poop-off. It's safe around the birds and OMG does it work. I dilute it half and half with water because it works just as good and I get twice as much.


Is Florida too long of a drive for you Mary? Hahahaha!


So poop-off is really good. I was going to buy some last weekend.. it even has a little scrub brush on the end.. I thought..hmmm ..that could be messy, but would get the poop off, lol.. I'm going to have to buy some tomorrow.. :lol:


Thanks for letting us know how much you like it.

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Empress wrote:

Thank you all for the valuable information. I think i will go mad, if i get my baby, and wont be able to use my good smelling cleaing products....


I feel your pain Empress, lol.. but the greenworks is not anymore expensive than the other cleaners and its made with stuff like coconut, corn and other stuff I cant think of right now. But it smells clean, add that with an air purifier and your ready to go.


What having a grey has made me realize is that we breathe so many chemicals, chemicals that will actually kill a bird. In reality I think it's better for me and my kids not to have all the smelly stuff anymore. I rather have something that is made with coconut than something I can't pronounce that is harmful to our health, just a thought. It might not knock us over and kill us immediately, but it definitely cant be good for us.


Greenworks should pay me for endorsing their product, lol.. :P

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Kim that is so true, the market is flooded with so many cleaning products, each one claiming it's better than it's rival ! What happened to good old elbow grease & little diluted bleach,vinegar etc.. all these products werent around years ago & people managed to survive ;)

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bettyboop wrote:

I like the suggestion you have for diluting the Poop Off. Do you rinse afterwards ?




I spray it, let it set for a few moments, and then take a damp scrubby sponge(like you use on your dishes) to take the poop off. Sometimes there is a little white film from the poop so I'll turn the sponge over after a quick rinse and wipe it down a second time. I use it with my finches in the cage, even though they are free to fly around the rooom, and to clean up Elmo's little gifts he will leave on the edge of the tub. It gets up poop that has been on tree stands for a week like it was still a fresh "deposit" too.


Trust me, my pet store babies got spoiled today as always! Hahaha! Sasha and Pattie got to pick at some big millet...Sasha really seemed to enjoy it.

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BMustee, thats good to know about the poop off.I clean my cages daily with straight vinegar water on a power rag .The vinegar really melts the poop.

I wash all toys daily in a hot water bleach solution and rinse well . Dry overnight and put back in the cage the next morning .I am so afraid to let them be exposed to all that bacteria , if left for days .One big mistake I made once was I had washed all of these wooden foot toys , and wiped them dry , I thought and threw them in this container that I keep stuff like that in . Well you know wood thing always go to the bottom after a while due to the fact they are sort of heavy .Well , I kept smelling something , dug down in that container and all of those wooden toys were growing mold .It was so nasty . So my tip is to make sure all wooden stuff is out somewhere where it can get some air to it after washing, before packing it away .Thanks for letting us know that poop off works.Since you work at a pet store , I can see where all of that stuff would be right at your finger tips , do you also use them at home or just at the shop ?



Post edited by: bettyboop, at: 2008/05/31 13:46<br><br>Post edited by: bettyboop, at: 2008/05/31 22:56

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Have just been out and bought an air purifer with our wedding present gift vouchers lololol.


Hubby is well impressed! :whistle:


Am so paranoid about Biggles coming into contact with anything smelly taht may harm him, but am equally as paranoid about my house smelling bad!


I've bought one that releases negative ions to attract more bad things.... anyone know anything about these or have any reasons as to why I perhaps shouldn't use it?? There is an option to switch off the ions if it turns out that they are bad??


Amy x

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