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Hand Feeding


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So, my baby grey was born on February 13th making him/her 13 weeks old. I was told he was weaned but ready to go home and I should hand feed him once at night. Well, I've been hand feeding him whenever he begs for food. He is also eating most of what I put out for him... broccoli, corn on the cob, lima beans, peas, carrots, nuts, fruit, jalapenos, pellets etc. He's also been eating less at each hand feeding but the hand feedings are probably 3 to 4 times a day. So, is this normal? Am I doing it wrong? Any advice would be appreciated!<br><br>Post edited by: Pchela, at: 2008/05/21 07:30

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That was helpful! I've been doing some things wrong already. My formula has been too thick and not warm enough. I read how easy it is to burn the crop so I didn't want to take a chance. As for the schedule, I read about abundance weaning and have been feeding him when he's hungry. I don't know if this will be detrimental or not. :unsure:

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Hi Pchela,im a little confused as i thought your grey was 1 year old ? ...Previous post...







Junior Member

Posts: 29

I got a Timneh! - 2008/04/21 23:28

So, we went to the bird mart on Saturday and I fell in love. He's a year old and he was "discounted" because the breeder had to have heart surgery so the 4 Timnehs he had were placed with other birds a few months ago and are a bit less tame than they should be. He was handfed though and has yet to bite.



Is this a new baby ? from what you say your baby sounds as if he is eating very well, fruit, veggies,pellets.All babies wean at different rates,some will wean quicker than others.In general around 13 weeks some babies will have refused handfeeds,some will be on just 1 nightime feed. Some babies can take longer to learn eating skills.If he is eating adequately for himself & taking less formula start to reduce the feeds down.

There is a lot of information on the net about abundance weaning ,something i do not have experience with.

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I had the Timneh for 5 days. He went home with a girl I know who has a rescued Cag and was looking for a Tag. Long story short, he absolutely adored her immediately and barely tolerated me so we felt it was best for him to go home with her.


The Cag is my baby and is definitely not leaving me. It was too hard to let the Timneh go after five day! Now I'm just worried about screwing him up somehow by weaning him wrong!


He is eating well on his on which is why I wonder if he should still be wanting so many hand feedings a day. He's also flying (limited as we're in an apartment) and I don't know how long to let him fly before clipping. It seems that weaning and fledging are tied in somehow?

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If he is eating well on his own accord id be inclined to cut the handfeeds back,at his age as i said many babies are recieving none or one,perhaps go down to three then two & keep the nightime feed up.A good idea is to monitor his weight.when babies learn to fly/fledge there may be a decrease in their weight,so dont be to surprised if he looses a little.

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