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Marked for life, I am , are you (tat)too?

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Here is what I have on my back:




There are ten birds coming out of his hands (Hummingbird, Blue Jay, Partridge, Cardinal, Dove, Quail, Snow Owl, Great Horned Owl, Hawk and Bald Eagle,) and their wing beats represent the claps between lightening strikes when the Lakota God of Thunder lets them fly before a storm.

That was my first BIG one at 19 hours total, I have since added more elsewhere to others that I have had over the years.<br><br>Post edited by: Graehstone, at: 2008/05/20 21:08

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I am very impressed, that is a massive tattoo on your back and the artist did a good job with it. How long have you had this tattoo and how many others do you have on your body? I have two, one of a rose and the other is a hummingbird, both on my leg, the same leg and I am thinking of getting me another.;)


Thanks for sharing that with us and why don't you turn around so we can see your face, it would be nice to have a face to go along with the wonderful stories you share with us, think about it.:whistle:

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Guest Skuffy

Am full of Tattoos...Mark Antony and Cleo on my back,,my drawing....both arms,,left leg,,left knee..right knee..chest both sides...shoulders 1 side to other Trible...Oooop's a sword down my spin OUCH!!!!:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Skuffy, at: 2008/05/21 15:42

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casper wrote:

Judy, he will be showing most of his body and I am a married lady!;)


Caroline, I am married too but what has that got to do with the price of gold in China:laugh: :lol: :whistle:


Its only his arms, lower leg and his back, for gosh sakes, I mean Graehstone showed his full back and no one complained about that, besides we all love looking at other's tattoos and that goes double for me.:P:)

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Thank you guys that you want too see it but: lot of my friends didn't even knew that I had some of the tattoos, I'll explain a little bit, left arm from my shoulder to my elbow is 3 medieval warriors, from elbow to wrists is my 3 kids names in graffitty, Back is a Angel over looking a cemetary,with tombstones of some of most important people to me in my family that pass away! My leg is a leprechaum on a bridge, and my right arm is a very naughty female Devil on the inside and on the outside is a Archangel.

When I get some courage I'll put some pics, some people judge you from what they see and I don't like that! I wish they could listen to you first and pass judment!;)<br><br>Post edited by: DigitalFeather, at: 2008/05/22 00:29

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DigitalFeather wrote:

When I get some courage I'll put some pics, some people judge you from what they see and I don't like that! I wish they could listen to you first and pass judment!;)<br><br>Post edited by: DigitalFeather, at: 2008/05/22 00:29


I sooo understand where you are coming from and have seriously been there and done that.

I too had lots of problems dealing with that kind of mentality (which is prevalent all over the world) and have slowly come to grips with the fact that I have to love living with myself and then those that are close to my heart will love me for the what and who that I have become over the years, as we are ever evolving individuals.

I have my "clan/tribe" even if it only consists of my wife (the very air that I breathe) and my birds, I am happy. I have over the years gotten many acquaintances and even a friend or two.

I for one would feel very honored if you wish to share your Tats with us, but understand if you chose not to.


Namaste ;)

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Thank you for your wise words, but check this out, one time I went to pick up my kids in school and my son in the car told me that the principal had saw me and she told him that she would appreciate if I could cover my arms so the other kids don't start questioning, why is your dad has so many tattoos? or something in between those lines, believe me, I'm not shamed in any way, but sometimes is better off, live it alone and we should live our lives the way we want it, as long weare not compromising the lives of family, to tell you the truth the only ones that I seek opnion on something like that is my wife and kids!:) sorry that happened to some of us!

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Mark those are some graphic tattoos but my question to you is would you have had the same ones done today if you had it to do over?:huh:


Thanks for sharing them with us but some may be offended by them.:whistle:


FairY, those initials are U S M C and I believe that stands for United States Marine Corp of which Dave was obviously part of.:)

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Guest Skuffy

??????????It doesn't matter how long ago you had those tats done. Don't be showing the people here your mistakes of the past.??????MISTAKES.....!!!lol,,,If you got a problem with Tatts m8,,Well its your Problem,,,Ok.....Freedom of speak,,,and expression

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Dave007 wrote:

Hey hey hey you guys---concerning those tattoos. I really don't care about what the moderator's opinions are concerning what was put in this thread or what they think about those tats ( but understand the mods haven't said anything about how they feel, so this is only my post. I'm simply beating them to the punch). It's me that's really pissed off and believe me, you don't wanna piss me off.


Show the moderators that they don't have to do something that you guys can personally do. Lots of different people come to this board. Young people, men, women, sometimes kids. All have different feelings on things.


Lots of people have different religios persuations here. Some find that showing sexually explicit stuff very hurtful and disgusting. Others might not. Take the s*hit off the board and show the moderators that you have the stones to be men. It doesn't matter how long ago you had those tats done. Don't be showing the people here your mistakes of the past.


In case you don't know, I put one on the board too but it only represented a branch of the military service I was in but I'm gonna be the first one to remove mine cause to some people it brings to mind about when countries were at war which they might or might not agree with. I will admit it right now--I made a mistake posting that tat but I realize that it should be removed and I'll be the first to do it. Get back to fooling around, discussing yourselves talking all about your everyday lives and your silly birds and all their antics.


We're men and don't need moderators to remind us of that. One other thing---hurry up and do the right thing!


Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/05/22 21:10


Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/05/22 22:08<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/05/22 22:22



You didn't answer my question. (see up)



anyway, my personal taste regarding tattoos is like the rest of my taste in life: keep it small and bursting of quality. I like jewelery in that fashion as well instead of the 'shouting' jewelery - small, tiny even, items can be so much more 'worth' :)



again, this is only my taste, and mine alone.


a small tattoo is 'dainty' a body tattood all over to me is 'fake'. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings with this because I believe in total freedom - and thus respect to those with different tastes, but mine isn't 'shouting'.

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The tattoo pics are fine if they don't include any profanity or vulgar words or the private parts of the human body, those that do will be deleted without question at the discretion of the admins for this is a family forum with young viewers.:)

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Here's another one on my left forearm. (Can't believe I didn't find this pic sooner ... geesh) Kind of a crudy picture due to the flash.


It's a Kingfisher on Bamboo which kind of wraps all around my arm and includes a snake and a Tiger on the other side.(and if I ever find those pictures, I'll post them here too)

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