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Hello everyone, I am bringing a new baby to our family who we have called Keeko. We dont know if she is a girl or not yet but she is so sweet natured and until we get a dna test she will be known as a girl. I brought her home yesterday and was told she was 14 weeks, just been in touch with the breeder and her hatch date was Feb 14th, how sweet a valentines baby, so she is a bit younger than I thought. I am totally in love. It feels like having your second child. I feel so blessed to have her and with the experience gained from Charlie and this forum look forward to life with this baby. My birdie family now feels complete!:)

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I am going to try I promise, but you know me and technology they just dont seem to go together! Lol Poor Charlie and Keeko will be old birds by the time I get pics on. I will get some on my profile page if she stops flying round for two seconds!;)

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Just a quick update. Been to the vets with Keeko for a general check up and everything was fine. I got the vet to pluck the chest feathers out for me as I have a dna kit to send them off. I didnt fancy doing it myself and she didn't like it at all poor thing. Well, I think I have a little girl lets see in a week or so........;)

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Actually Dan, that photo fools you, Charlie was just preparing to pull Keekos beak off! They are having their moments. I feel sorry for them both at the moment, they both want to be boss! They are like spoilt children, it is hard work but I love them both so much.

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Okay everyone,just had a call from the lab and the dna results are in!!! My sweet little girl is.......a BOY! OMG I am so shocked, what do I do about the name? Do you think Keeko is very girlie and should change it now? Look forward to your replies. :)

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Well congrats there, lol do you think the other birds are going to make fun of him because of a girly name?

One of my best friends growing up was named Michael and she could kick any boys butt any time any place.

Besides, I like the name Keeko, who's to say it doesn't mean "Killer of Lions by ripping out their throats with his bare beak" in Swahili?


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Doesn't sound like too girly to thme it could be either or I think I wouldn't change it but thats up to you Tyco was called a boy until I got her last October and she is now 5yrs old so she was a he for 4 1/2 years I didn't change her name. But they used to call her Ty for short I don't I call her Tyco I think it sounds a little more like a girls name than Ty


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Hi, Tycos_mom, I have no plans to change his name now,just seems really strange calling him a boy but suppose will get used to it though. I wasnt really bothered about the sex but decided to have it done seen as we were going to the vets, its nice to find out though. Looking at the markings and size it makes me wonder if my other grey is a female. He hasnt been tested and we have always called him Charlie boy which he now calls himself! lol:)

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