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Cage hating little stinker


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Hi, everyone...


Well the honeymoon is over and Sammie is definitely a stinker..


When I open the cage she climbs to top of the door immediately and wont step up for me. When I try to get her to step up she tries to bite me, and its not just trying to see if my hand is steady, she squawks at me and gets all wild...


When it's time to go back in the cage, I cant get her in it because she wont step up. So then I use a dowel rod to get her to step up and she goes to the floor..

more tahn 1/2 the time she doesn't want to step up then either. She is running around the living room and kitchen squawking...


We finally get to the cage and she is freaking out, trying her hardest, flapping her wings, grabbing with her beak and feet to anything she can to prevent from being put back in the cage.


Any suggestions... HELP!!


What a nightmare!!


Post edited by: madisimmons, at: 2008/05/20 06:41<br><br>Post edited by: madisimmons, at: 2008/05/20 07:06

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Sorry for laughing, but I have visions of a little grey running around the house and the rest of you chasing her. Oh dear, yes sounds like honeymoon is definitely over:P :P


Liath had a thing about going back to her cage, she was a little more dignified about it though:laugh: There are 3 doors off the room she is in and she would fly from the top of one to the top of the other to the top of her cage. While I climbed up and down off chairs trying to get her to step up! Eventually through reading posts here I decided I am big she is small, I am smart and she is.... smarter...


I closed all the doors and put a chair beside the cage BEFORE I asked her to step up. I would just insist she step up and eventually she would. When she was back in the cage she would get a grape. Now she knows there is no point in messing, she gets the grape quicker if she is a good girl.


I also got her to step up and then didnt put her back in the cage, just moved her somewhere for a cuddle. So stepping up doesnt always mean end of the fun. Unfortunately all of this assumes that Sammie does know what step up means!!

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LOL, all I can think of is a chicken running around on the floor squawking. Seems as most of us have been through the dreaded time to go back in the cage nightmare.


I just wanted to reassure you that it will get better, you just need to find a way that works for you to get her in the cage. Bribery is a very good weapon...there is always something that they can't resist. This morning for my little man it was my makeup brush. We wanted that so bad and I held it to me and wouldn't give it to him. He wanted it even worse then and leapt on to my hand, grabbed the brush and before he knew it he was in his cage. Usually I don't need anything to get him into his cage, but the last week has been a different story.


For our little girl this morning it was a plam nut. Showed her the nut she flew straight to me, chomped into the nut and I held on to that nut and walked her to her cage and put her in.

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Yes im afraid we have all been there,in my case it was with two baby greys & the pair of them would head for the highest point in the room knowing fall well i was unable to reach them.I would always save their favourite treat, which happens to be pine nuts, for the purpose of getting them in their cage.


If you can get Sammie to step up a tip i learned very early on was to gently grasp your thumb over the foot,it doesnt hurt none,but prevents them from taking off again,the worse sammie will do is have a flap ;)

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Hi Kim , as I mentioned earlier to you , she is a female which if she is anything like my female Alexandrine she might be a little more protective than a male with the cage .Also , lets remember the pet store , how long was she locked up in that cage , perhaps long enough to not want to be in there . Our TAG, had been left alone in a cage for a long time , when we got him , he did the same thing .The only way we helped him was let him out on his own , just open the door , let him come out .When he went to the floor , then we could step him up , however if we started back towards the cage he would bite . Again , we just took the bite and he would look at us for a reaction .We wised up and stopped reacting and he stopped biting.They love the drama.

She hasnt been with you long, so maybe just let her have some time , it took us 7 or 8 months with out TAG.Try just opening the cage and let her do her own thing , put some yummy treats back in the cage when you are ready for her to go back .

Also ,it takes time for you to learn to know her as it does for her to know you.She is rehomed so she has baggage, you have no idea most likely what her prior owner allowed .So as with a child , slowly undo what you don't allow .Praise the positive and ignore the negative .

Sorry this is so long .

Kind Regards,

Mary<br><br>Post edited by: bettyboop, at: 2008/05/20 13:02

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Thanks everyone..


At least I know I'm not the only one chasing a bird around their house..


She can step up, but she had no intention of stepping up... had the same squawk going on as she did when the vet turned her on her backside.


Yes she did look like a chicken running through the kitchen. I can see where that could look funny with us going after her, lol... what a mess..


I thought about the cage and her being higher up than me so I removed the ladders and perch from the top and took the shelf off the bottom of the cage and now she is much lower than me. I was hoping that would help too.


I am going to try to somehow get her out of her cage with out giving her time to run to the top of the door and put her on her playstand in the other room.


All she wants to do is sit on her cage door. If I try to get her to step up she tries to bite or runs to the top of her cage and gets as far away from us as she can.


You would think they would rather have love and affection.. but guess not..


The letting her bite me thing scares the crap out of me.. yes I have made the mistake of jerking my hand back.. I have seen what she can do to wooden blocks and I really like my fingers..

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I agree, about the bite ....Sammy scares the doolittle out of me..Funny he loves my husband so much and he bites him also . He just laughs .The lady we bought him from says he hates men and has never bitten anyone .................Oh well .

Lowering the cage may help . I would also consider giving her more time , she has only been with you a couple of weeks , right ? It takes time for trust to build , and you need to ask before you do anything , "iS this a trust builder or trust breaker"?They are really smart and I am always trying to use logic to figure them out .I don't know if it is possiable.LOL..

Take care ,


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yes, this weekend will be two weeks. I lowered the cage, and I tried to decide to not open the door unless she is in the back instead of on the cage door so she cant latch on and go to the top of the cage. I'm making her step up.


I got her away from the cage, she hung out on the perch for about an hour and then she stepped up for me and we went to my desk. I gave her some toys to play with and talked to her, gave her some scratches ect.


I stepped into the kitchen for a moment and she flew off the desk and would NOT step up. She went to her cage, and now that is is low she can literally climb up it, went staight to the top and didnt want anyone around her, making the lovely noises.


When it was time for bed.. the dreaded task of getting her into the cage was once again going to be a finger biter. I used a perch again and she flew to the floor. instead of chasing her I sat in the floor and she actually stepped up for my daughter who then gave her to me.. she wont dare try to put Sammie in the cage. anyway she stepped up to me and i got her in.. when she figured out what i was doing.. the squawking and trying to find away from going in started again.


I'm afraid she will eventually not step up from the floor because she is going to know what comes next. but by this point its not like she wants to hang out and cuddle anymore and I have to put her in or we will be repeating what we have already gone thru.. Fun Fun....

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Do you give her a treat when you got her in to the cage? When the door is closed I would give her a grape or a pine nut, something she LOVES so that she knows its worth going back in. And maybe stay and chat to her for a while.


She probably sees it as, I am having fun minding my own business, then Mammy comes over and takes me, and puts me back in jail and walks away.


Where she could see it as, I am having fun minding my own business and then Mammy brings me home, gives me a treat and a chat.;)

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I really feel for you and I know exactly what you are going through. 2 weeks is not much time. They need a lot of time to get adjusted to a new home and she is just figuring everything out and getting to know you. It's not that she doesn't want love and affection, but she is just not sure at the moment.


Try placing a perch on the inside of the cage door and then when you have the door open place her on the perch and swing the door closed. I did this at the start with our male grey and he looked at me like oh no cage time and when he saw "phew" it's just the perch he relaxed and then before he knew it the door was closed.


One time I even gave him something to eat on that perch but he had wised up and as soon as he saw me coming he would run as he knew the door was going to close. I actually tied string to the door, so I could pull the door closed while I sat on the sofa.


A few times he wouldn't go in at all and I just left him sitting on the perch for the night. Got out the next morning and he was still sitting there. Next night he went into his cage no problems.


They are little rascals and it is so hard to out smart them.

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Jane08 wrote:

I really feel for you and I know exactly what you are going through. 2 weeks is not much time. They need a lot of time to get adjusted to a new home and she is just figuring everything out and getting to know you. It's not that she doesn't want love and affection, but she is just not sure at the moment.


Try placing a perch on the inside of the cage door and then when you have the door open place her on the perch and swing the door closed. I did this at the start with our male grey and he looked at me like oh no cage time and when he saw "phew" it's just the perch he relaxed and then before he knew it the door was closed.


One time I even gave him something to eat on that perch but he had wised up and as soon as he saw me coming he would run as he knew the door was going to close. I actually tied string to the door, so I could pull the door closed while I sat on the sofa.


A few times he wouldn't go in at all and I just left him sitting on the perch for the night. Got out the next morning and he was still sitting there. Next night he went into his cage no problems.


They are little rascals and it is so hard to out smart them.



How funny Jane, I have wondered what I was going to do if I couldn't get her in the cage. I bet you were worried leaving her out all night. I bought a perch for the door and it was too big.. Guess I need to get another one. She is however very fond of sitting right on top of the door.. hopefully she will fall for it.


Very sly using a string!!! Sounds like something I would do if I could get her on the inside of the door.


I will have to get some nuts.. I have offered her fresh veggies (corn, green beans, potato, broccoli, carrots) and also some fresh banana. She doesn't even bother to get near them, no interest at all. She will not even venture toward the bowl with it in there. However, she does like peanuts and dried fruit -the trail mix stuff. I will have to get her some pine nuts, I've actually never heard of them before until getting on this forum. Are they at the grocery store?<br><br>Post edited by: madisimmons, at: 2008/05/21 17:34

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bettyboop wrote:

I agree, about the bite ....Sammy scares the doolittle out of me..Funny he loves my husband so much and he bites him also . He just laughs .The lady we bought him from says he hates men and has never bitten anyone .................Oh well .

Lowering the cage may help . I would also consider giving her more time , she has only been with you a couple of weeks , right ? It takes time for trust to build , and you need to ask before you do anything , "iS this a trust builder or trust breaker"?They are really smart and I am always trying to use logic to figure them out .I don't know if it is possiable.LOL..

Take care ,




Hey Mary,


I am wondering if I am not giving her enough time, or if I am paying to much attention to her and she just needs a little space until she gets used to us.


She's out about 3-4 hours a night and I get her away from her cage for about 30-45 minutes everyday.. trying to get her to step up, praising her with words & treats. She by that time is soooo ready to go back the door of the cage and just hang out. She's like enough scratches and love already......let me be or I will bite you!!...hahah


I noticed she is not into playing either.. She hasn't hardly touched her toys..

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I don't think you are giving her enough time, remember lots of time and patience is what brings about results and if you have only had her for a couple of weeks that is not nearly enough time, think in terms of months, slow but sure.


She will eventually get into playing with her toys, like everything else it takes time for her to decide she is settled enough to have a go at them.

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I work until 5pm so the 3-4 hours out of the cage is the most I can do. What else should i do with her, she just tries her hardest to get back to the cage and she wants you to leave her alone after about 30 minutes? Her ultimate goal is to get to her throne atop the bird cage door?


I play with her, give her paper to chew up, wooden blocks (she actually like them) and peanuts treats), scratches... talk to her.. Now what should I do when she wants to fly to the floor and go to her cage? If you try to get her to step she tries to bite.


What would you do? I am lost at this point.<br><br>Post edited by: madisimmons, at: 2008/05/21 17:38

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Hi Kim ,

I think Judy meant enough time to get used to you and to bond with you .

I have no problem with my birds hanging out on their cage , if thats what they want to do , thats great . My CAG , goes in and out , and so does our Alexandrine .

Sounds like you are giving her plenty of attention time. But what I suggest is leave her alone , do not try to take her off the cage , let her stay there , you pull up a chair and visit with her , read childrens story books to her . This is attention without stress.Picking her up may be creating stress because she has not bonded with you yet .Our Sammy has been her 2 months and one day . I do not step him up unless he flies to the floor , then I step him up and return him to where we want him which is not on my furniture . Hang toys on her cage on the outside , let her walk around , just watch her .The reason she wants to get back to the cage is because that is her home , she feels safe , it is her only piece of real estate.As I have said before our first Grey would not let us near him for 7 or 8 months . He played on top of his cage and would go back in and I would shut the door .Then one day I was reading to him and he crawled down that cage onto the chair and sat in my lap .From then on he was like a baby .I didnt rush him . I told him OK , whenever you are ready , but I sat by his cage everyday for about an hour a read , talked and visited with him ...She has to relax with you , the kids , the home etc..


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Mary, I guess that is what I will do. When we first brought her home she was I know "doing the honeymoon thing" steping up for everyone, going in her cage like a good girl. Now it's just leave me alone, lol..


I'm afraid if I don't get her use to everyone and spend enough time handling her she will turn really wild on me. Kind of like a dog who doesn't get enough attention.


Really odd.. she wants to be on her cage, but under no circumstance does she want to go in it. Birds.. who knows..


Good idea about hanging her toys on the outside of the cage and maybe that will get her to unglue her feet from the top of the cage door.


I guess the 'moral of the story' is to out smart your bird, let it know who is boss, and to let it know it's safe and loved in the process..

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One thing my sister does with Harley is she always talks softly to her before letting her out or putting her to bed. Then once, Harley's in the cage, she continues to talk very quietly to her. She even sings the lullaby song to her.

One thing to remember is that that cage is THEIR territory and they seem to want us to respect that. So if Harley's in her cage, we wait for her to come out. Yeah sometimes we have to chase her around the top too to get her to step up. But I really feel Harley responds to quiet "sweet talk" from us and slower movements so we don't startle her. Wild birds will fly away at movement, so I assume that quick movements startle my bird.

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One thing my sister does with Harley is she always talks softly to her before letting her out or putting her to bed. Then once, Harley's in the cage, she continues to talk very quietly to her. She even sings the lullaby song to her.

One thing to remember is that that cage is THEIR territory and they seem to want us to respect that. So if Harley's in her cage, we wait for her to come out. Yeah sometimes we have to chase her around the top too to get her to step up. But I really feel Harley responds to quiet "sweet talk" from us and slower movements so we don't startle her. Wild birds will fly away at movement, so I assume that quick movements startle my bird.

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Our Grey is doing the same thing , as long as he gets his way all is well.I pet him and scratch his head , so he knows he is loved .Now he will step up for my husband and he carries Sammy around .There is just somthing that I do , like bath time , clean his cage etc .It will be Ok .Just try it and see how she does ...Or go ahead , when she steps up after she flies off the cage , take her to a neutral room and shut the door slowly and visit .They are usually pretty easy going in another area away from the cage.Check out Sally Blanchards book Companion Parrot , you can purchase on amazon .It really helps to have a good book to help us .I have her book and it really helped with my Alexandrine .


Mary<br><br>Post edited by: bettyboop, at: 2008/05/21 21:41

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Sammie flew off the cage tonight.. my nephew took her in the bedroom instead of sticking her straight in the cage.. she didnt have an attitude which was good. she actually didn't fight being put in the cage this time.. hope this is a good sign.. Keep your fingers crossed.

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Tyco my Grey is a rescue I've had her for 9 months I open her cage door. I talk to her while she on her cage I don't try to move her I teach her thing like colors play game sing to her she just this last week finally let me scratch her head 3 times thats a huge breack through for a rescue she stepped up on to my hand for the first time last week. she is finally trusting me. when I first met Tyco when she saw me she got so excited she liked me she never let her previous owner come anywhere near her when i came in she wanted so much for me to be near her that I could kiss her beak and rub her beak. Before I actually brought her home I visited 3 times and each time the same thing happened I have always been able to give her a kiss on her beak good night and rub her beak with my fingers but thats all. This last week everything changed she let me touch her feathers. She has never biten me thank goodness but then again I don't give her a reason too. I let her do what she feels comfortable with. I had trouble getting her to go back in her cage when I first got her Until I started putting her in backwards if she was going in facing the inside of her cage she would spread her wing and grab the bars with her beak and one of her feet but if she was on the perch facing me I just backed her in until we got to a perch inside the cage and she stepped up on it. To this day thats how I put her in her cage. If it works why change it It takes allot of time and patiants don't rush her let her think that coming to youand being with you is her idea not your eventually she will want too. If you let her do it on her own Pat

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Sounds as though you are doing all the right things. If she wants to be left alone then leave her alone. Sit where she can see you and even start playing with the toys, read, eat etc. Our 5 month old female is like that with me and I leave her alone and she only comes to me when she wants to. I can see that she does watch what I am doing all the time though.


Like last night I got out the watermelon and cut a slice and started eating it. I could see her out of the corner of my eye getting all fidgety and trying to decide how badly she wanted it. Finally she couldn't resist and flew over. These are the only little moments I have with her and my heart leaps with joy when she just comes to me for something. I have only touched her once on the head and that was 3 nights ago for about 5 min. I am thinking months down the road in terms of her getting used to me. I just calmly tell her that she is a good girl and that we have the rest of our lives to get to know each other.


Our male grey was like this as well and he is now 1 year and a darling. Before when he was home with my boyfriend he wouldn't even sit in the same room with him. My boyfriend just left him alone and after a few months it all changed. They just need time to see what the routines are in their new family and how they fit in to this.


If your bird flies to the floor and won't get up I would probably just make sure she was alright and let her do what she wants to while keeping an eye on her, as long as she is in no danger.


I also work unitl 5pm, so they are only out 3 to 4 hours as well and have never had an problems with this.

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