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The Tutitah Dance


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Hi there everyone!


Well I tried to get Bella to let me video tape her for those who wanted to see her on video - we've had marginal success. She kept wanting to play with the camera, but she did feel like doing her Tutitah dance (and now she's standing behind me going "peek-a-boo" :laugh: But, here's our first film.


Please do share your dancing videos! Cheers!




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:laugh: Judy, my pleasure! We'll get the video thing down - she's hard to video because she's always beebopping around somewhere and if you move the camera too fast the pictures gets all fuzzy. Then she kept wanting to lick the camera :S The house has huge windows so there are lighting issues - the light is usually too bright and this little video cam doesn't handle that too well. I do have a good sized digital Kodak camera, but it has a problem- I think it is with the card - I may need to get a new one, just found that one in the packing stuff too. We'll get some better videos soon.




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Hi there Tracy! Yes, Bella is full of character to say the least :laugh: She is such a little freak with things like the camera - did you see how she constantly either wants to lick it or she puts her neck down so she can get a neck scratch from it :huh:


She has a thing going on with my feet I may try to video tape. She's constantly messing with my toes, either nibbling on them or trying to get a neck scratch adn lately she's taken to holding one of my toes with her foot :laugh: I have no idea what her deal is with feet, but she's fascinated by them!

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