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Our Ruby ...


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... and how it was that she came to bless our lives.

This is our Ruby today:



... a little ragged around the edges (like I'm perfect ... well Ok, maybe not, nobody's perfect, at least not many of us ;) ) and there are places on her chest that will also never regrow a feather.

But that's all Ok, because our sweety had looked much much worse when we got her and we love her unconditionally just the way she is.

Check out Ruby's blog ... it hasn't been updated in a long time but it is the story of how we got her;


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Ruby is a special grey, a beautiful lady and I had tears in my eyes reading that blog of how you came to have Ruby and once I started reading I couldn't stop until I finished it, you both are truly blessed and thanks so much for sharing both stories with us:)

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spookyhurst wrote:

I think Ruby is gorgeous :)! Another member, Makena, is concerned because her vet recommended Haloperidol for her plucking grey. Is Ruby still taking it, or was it short term?

I took her off of it as I saw that it was killing what little personality and soul that she had left.

She was nothing more than perch dressing and I hated it ... I saw a little person inside (albeit with problems) trying to get out and it tore me apart.

She has since re-feathered then taken her tail off, then grown it back and then remove her chest feathers and then her shoulders while regrowing ... etc ... she keeps me on my toes that one, lol.

She is much happier when not drugged up on that stuff.

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I'm so glad you shared your story with us. You are truly a talented writer and you kept me so enthralled I had to read to the very end. I'm glad you gave your Ruby such a good home and love her unconditionally. Thank you for sharing a bit of your life with all of us.

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