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how much to push


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I have a few questions about Cooper.

he will step up on my finger when he gets scared and flys off the cage he will readily step upon my finger. I am not always here a lot but I do let him out of the cage if I am here even if I am busy so he can be out of his cage. He has now gotten so when I go up to him and am talking to him and he is on top of his cage he will bob his head at me and regurgitate some food. I have read this is a sign of affection. well should I push him to step up and how? He can be a nipper although usually he will just rub his beak on my hand or fingers now. once in a while he will nip but he seems to know his limits thank goodness. I don't want to push too much and make him less friendly but don't want have him never get better about stepping up either. Still trying to figure out what he likes and dislikes too. seem to feed him alot of the same stuff but working on it.

Thanks in advance for your advice


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Hi coopersmum,by your description it sounds as if you already have a close bond with cooper,I would try now with the stepping up and stepping down,just put your hand towards his chest and ask him to step up,if at first he does`nt do it I would just move your fingers so you are just touching his chest.Hope this works for you.Also try giving him a reward to let him knowhe`s done good.

Regarding food pooky has a seed mix all the time and through the day I cook him veggies (broc,green beans,carrots,cauliflower)There are lots of threads on what types of food can be given to your CAGS

Lots of luck Jackie xx

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He is definately ready to learn to step up and it won't make him less friendly if you do it in the right way. I am teaching out 5 month old at the moment and she is coming along leaps and bounds. I even use this method to teach her to fly to me. Make it fun for him, show him a treat and put your hand up near his chest (not too low as they like to step up not down) and let him reach for the treat. Then move the treat away a bit and put your hand up so he has to step up to get the treat. At first he might just put one foot on your hand, give him the treat and praise him. After awhile it will be 2 feet, give him the treat and praise him. Just takes a lot of practice and there is no need to push him to get him to step up, make it so he is the one deciding to step up and you are just encouraging him.

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I am a tad bit afraid of him because he has nipped and I really would appreciate him NOT nipping at my finger. lol. He is about 5 years old and came to me at a really bad time. he was in the house for 10 days then I had to leave for 10 days I didn't want his transition to be like this but had no choice. So i don't know a lot of his old habits. I have tried using a treat to get him to step up however it only worked the first time. Now he just looks at the treat. Guess he is on to me lol. I am not as afraid as I was of him earlier so I know we are coming along. I just feel bad that I am not moving him around the house like I would like to. I feel like he is always in the same place although he did move to my desk top yesterday and onto my chair. I also have tried putting my finger on his chest and he doesn't step up he only rubs his beak on my finger. Should I push him with my finger slightly to make him step up? I am sorry for all the questions I have had birds but never one that is as wise as this and because of his rough transitions I really want him to feel safe in his new home. Thanks for all the advice I really do appreciate it.:)

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