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Connor, the Blue Crown Conure


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Went to a bird fair today, I was NOT buying a bird.......I was prepared to have my heart strings tugged repeatedly, but I was NOT buying a bird!!! Toys for Dorian, maybe some ideas of stuff to make for her, maybe even a huge new cage.


Yeah, I came home with an 8 year old DNA sexed male Blue Crown Conure named Connor.


I know MBS is not a laughing matter, but I can't help but laugh at myself for being so easily convinced by a 14" long feathered sour puss that I needed to bring him home.


Dorian seems to be tolerating him well so far, he had a long day so he's mostly hanging from the top of his new cage sleeping, which Pete finds hilarious.


I was looking for a conure when we found Dorian, makes me wonder what we'll get next year when I planned to get a baby Grey.....lol.


Have a greyt day!


Pam Connor_1.jpg


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Not buying a bird huh? We believe ya!


If its any consolation, my sons name is Conor and he is a 5' long sour puss named Conor :)


Is Connor still hand tame? Will he step up? He looks gorgeous. And I notice that he needed lots of new toys and a bed as well!

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Siobha, he isn't hand tame....his original owner had him very tame and she got a new boyfriend and Oscar, as in "the grouch" (formerly Connor) HATED him so he hasn't really been handled much for a while. She gave him to her aunt who has quite a few birds but he hated her too and I don't think she had much time to try to convince him to like her. We got him from the aunt who had a few birds at the show that she was re-homing. Several of the vendors there had massive amounts of birds to sell, and I wouldn't buy from any of the "breeders for profit" that I saw. We haven't been able to get him to step up yet, I figured to give him a few days to settle in and then I'd start working on that, I'm sure he knows the command. I wasn't buying a bird......lol.......so I had to buy a cage, toys, a bed, etc.....lol. Oh, and I couldn't come home without things for Dorian too...


Tari, we are keeping everything separate and hand sanitizing/washing between handling them and their stuff. Do we need to put him in a separate room? If so he'll be off in a room no one uses all alone and 45 days is a long time for him to not be very socialized with us. He's a grouch, which is why I want to change his name. But considering the issues Dorian had and how quickly we've made progress with her I'm certain with love, patience, treats, and persistence we can turn him around.


Judy, he is a bit of a clown, we got him in a nice new big cage last night and he just kept doing laps around the top of the cage. Pete and I just kept laughing at the upside down pacing. He seems willing to explore the cage more this morning.


Thanks for the comments on the pic, hoping to have more soon!

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Ya he does need to be in a different room. However it may be to late now. Not sure maybe someone that knows more about it might help. I do know many illnesses are air born. Until you can find out I would go ahead and move him just in case its not to late.


Since he was tame hopefully it wont take long for him to be so again.

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Actually, there's a few conures that do much better when sharing an area with other parrots ( not the same cage though). BCC is one of them. Nanday and Jenday are also good for that. As with almost all parrots, having another cage is and was the best way to go. GCC are extremely playful. Even though the bird did things in the past with others, such as step up, with that species, it takes a while to conform to doing the same things with new people. Your new bird has been shuffled around a bit so the best thing is to do a lot of calm talking. Pretty soon, you'll see that playfullness come out. Have some loose hanging toys and some ropes around cause they love to get upside down and hold on and yap.

I'm not sure if you have a grey yet but there should be no problems if you do get one. More than likely they'll ignore each other.

BCC aren't known to bite but if they do, it most likely will be of the warning types.

Give it a little time. That step up action will return and happen very soon.

Noise--GCC aren't known to make as much noise like other Cs such as the Suns. What will probably happen if you do get a grey that happens to be into sounds, he'll pick up what the GCC is saying ( in parrotese). The chances of that heppening are better with a TAG as opposed to a CAG. CAGS will eventually get bored. A TAG thrives on doing that.

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Thanks for all the info Dave, we do have a re-homed CAG who is doing pretty well, considering all she went through. This morning the two of them are mimicking back and forth and raising quite a ruckus I guess. (I'm at work and missing all the fun, lol) We did get lots of hanging toys and ropes as I had done some research on conures before we even got our CAG so I had some idea of what he would need.


One thing I am not sure of though, while I'm posting.....do I need to get him a cuttlebone or mineral block? Our CAG has a mineral block, but never uses it, and the cockatiel has a cuttlebone....wasn't sure which the conure needs.

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Congratulations Pam!!


What a beautiful boy. He'll come around and it sounds like the two of them are already starting to keep you and themselves entertained. :-)


Neither my Conure or Grey seems interested at all in mineral blocks or cuttle-bones, but they are there if they ever decide to take a crack at them. :-)

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Thanks all!


Oscar (formerly Connor) seems to be settling in to his new cage nicely.....we opened his door yesterday just to see if he'd venture out and he did for a bit, but he's quick to get back in there if we walk in the room, or move from the couch. He's tried out the new bed briefly and has taken himself a couple of baths in his water bowl, lol.


Dorian is jealous, but we are maintaining the "Dorian first" rules so we haven't seen any really bad setbacks from bringing Oscar home. She is a little more nippy and seems to be punishing us by not talking or interacting with us as much, but we just keep acting as if everything is normal. I hope that will eventually bring her around that this doesn't have to be a bad thing. Any suggestions on how to make this better for her? Short of taking him back where he came from which seems to be her idea.....lol.


Have a greyt day!



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Dorian will be a little jealous but you are doing the right thing in keeping her first in verything as she is top bird but she will come around eventually. She just needs some time to adjust to having a new member to the flock and the best thing is to just keep up with whatever you were doing for Dorian so she knows that she does not feel slighted by the addition of Oscar.


Remember time and patience can work wonders with our birds and it takes lots of it sometimes so heavens no, don't even think of returning him where he came from, things will get better in time, just be patient.

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judygram wrote:

heavens no, don't even think of returning him where he came from, things will get better in time, just be patient.




It was a joke.....he's not going anywhere, lol. But I think SHE would like it better if he did, and I'm not sure she cares where he goes as long as he goes...hehehehe.


Glad to hear we're on the right track with acclimating her to a new flock mate. Patience seems to be the key with most everything concerning these fids :).





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