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major break through


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I've had Tyco for 8 months now and she is a rescue bird and I'm her fourth and last owner hopfully I out live her. She has never let me touch her anywhere except her beak. She has always let me give her a kiss on the beak and rub her beak thats it. Tonight when I put her to bed she reached out like normal so I could give her a kiss good night she was acting differntly and moved from her usual sleep perch closer to me and puffed up her feathers and put her head down so I thought ok mabie I'll try a little scritch and see if she trys to bite me like she usually does well she didn't so I reached over and rubbed her toes she just stood there still all puffed up. So I thought ok I'll try another little head scritch and she let me again I was so excited inside but I didn't want to scare her so I spoke very softly to her telling her she was such a sweet heart and what a good girl she was and how much I love her. and then I covered her up and put her to bed I still can hardley beleive that she let me touch her feathers. last week she actualy stepped up onto my hand instead of a perch and I thought that was a big deal but to actualy let me touch her feathers I feel so privliged Pat

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Isn't that the BEST feeling? Congratulations. Obi has been puffing up like that for me now all the time. Everytime I pass her cage, she wants a scratch. I can even open the door and scratch/touch away. She loves it when I touch her cheeks and face. I can't wait until she lets me hold her while scratching/petting. It's the best feeling ever. I hope that this is the beginning to wanting her head scratched all the time now. ;){Feel-good-000200BB}

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Oh, I wanted to mention that Obi holds her beak on one of the cage rungs with her head tilted sideways - lol - it's so cute. I guess it's because it keeps her head steady while I scratch - lol - have a great Sunday!<br><br>Post edited by: Lovelylew, at: 2008/05/18 14:32

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Congrats Pat, small steps but big gains, just goes to show that time and patience will win in the end and I know you are literally beaming with pride at the accomplishment. It's hard to tell what Tyco will end up allowing you to do now that she has finally broken down that barrier.;)


Thanks Pat for sharing that wonderful story with us, will go a long way in helping others in a similiar situation that hope is just around the corner for them too.:)

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This morning she back to her normal self but I did notice that after I walked away to sit down and have my tea that when I looked at her and talked to her she puffed up and put her head down like she did last night I didn't go over to her to try. but I will a little later Pat

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Isn't it amazing how happy little steps like that can make us? I was around Dorian for a year in the pet shop before he let me touch him anywhere but his beak. Made me sooo happy. He also grabs a cage bar with his beak when he wants scratches. Very cute!

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Well she let my give her scritches again this morning i just wish she'd let me scritch her when she's out of her cage. i hope it doesn't take another 8 months for her to do that. I also noticed that she calls for me constantly now when I leave the room this is new in the last 2 weeks every time I leave all I hear is MOM MOM MOM and I answer back what what what. Every time she calls I feel glad I think it means she's feeling allot more bonded to me lately Pat

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