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Is a African Grey Right for me?


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First of all i would like say hi to everyone...HI.


My Wife is considering getting a African Grey (her other option is a Cockatoo) this summer and i would like to know some more information before we spend any money. Her prior bird experience's include Parakeets, a Sun Conure, and a Cockatiel. She wants a mid to large bird that is smart and friendly. Ive created a list of questions i have


1. My biggest concern is with the African Greys plucking feathers. We tend to move houses every 2 years because i build houses for a living. I also like to go on a few vacations a year (nothing over 2 weeks). I was hoping that these 2 things would not make a bird pluck. Her parents have offered to bird sit if needed but ive heard they will pluck sometimes if owners leave for extended periods


2. I have a dog. Do African Grays usually do well with dogs? The dog is very good with birds, even to the point that our cockatiel could ride on her back.


3. Should we buy the bird as a baby? My wife will have all next year off so she wanted to use this time to devote to a baby bird. Is this a good choice considering all her other birds were full grown when she got them.


4. How big of a cage do i need? What material? Is it worth it to take the plunge and get a stainless steel cage or will another cage get the job done? This is what i was looking at to start.



5. What is the dif between the Timneh and Congo African Greys other than color and size?


6. Breeder locations? Im from Indiana, does anyone know of a breeder in the midwest?


Thanks ahead of time, im sure ill have more questions but for now thats all i can think about.

Ross and Erin

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Hi there...I'm going to reply because no one else has and I've seen that you've been on the site lurking around for a while now.. :)


Let me say first...these are my opinions...I may be wrong or have different opinions from other people...and to the other members, I know you're all very nice...just be gentle if I screw something up, k? :)


1. I think if a Grey plucks, it's going to pluck regardless. If your in-laws come over a lot and get to know the bird and they're 'part of the flock'...it shouldn't be an issue if they birdsit. Now, moving, I have no clue. sorry


2. I have a dog too...we just keep a strong eye on the dog if they're in the same room together. If we're not home, the dog can't get to her cage at all. They're never left unattended. My dog is not a good dog to have with a bird like yours.


3. I bought my bird as a baby and we have a very strong bond. She's the love of my life. I NEVER thought I could love an animal as much as I love Harrison. But, adopting a bird is a wonderful thing to do and you can get some great birds. But, you can get birds with issues. You have to think, 'why did these people give up this bird?'...personally, I leave the adopting to the professionals. Maybe someday when I have more time and a little more experience, I'll adopt. About plucking, if you adopt, theres a good chance it will be a plucker...I think. I'd go for a baby.


4. I think that cage is ok. I'd go a little bigger. But, it kinda depends on how long the bird spends in the cage during the day. This is my cage...



5. as far as I know the only dif is the color of their beak. The Congo has a black beak and the Timneh has a bone colored beak. Also, their tails differ a little...congos are brighter I think. I've heard that Congos are better talkers but I think that's a myth..get one and prove that myth to be wrong!!! ;)


6. Breeder...dunno sorry.


But one thing about your wife being home for a year. Is she going to go back to an 8 hour job after that? They say that when you get your bird, don't spend a bunch of time with her and then go back to your life and drop her. I know that's not what she'd be doing but that's what to bird would think. You're kinda supposed to keep a schedule. It's hard for me because I'm off for the summer (yay) so I have my days free...but toward the end of the vacation, I slowly start having Harrison out of the cage less and less...to get her used to me going back to work.


I hope this helps...I love my baby...<br><br>Post edited by: HeatherStrella, at: 2008/05/17 06:47

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Hi Ross & Erin :)


1. My biggest concern is with the African Greys plucking feathers...


Greys pluck feathers for a variety of reasons. That can include both behavioral and medical reasons. Sometimes boredom , stress or not enough human interaction causes an African Grey to pull out its feathers. Others pluck because of dietary imbalances, or environmental problems, such as people smoking or the air too dry.Moving house may or may not lead to a grey plucking,they are all individuals some may take it in their stride,others may be very stressed by the up rooting every few years.


2. I have a dog. Do African Grays usually do well with dogs? ...


I have 2 dogs,as Heather rightly says as long as the dog is supervised at all times with the grey,never leave a dog alone with a grey regardless of how obedient or good natured your dog is,that animal instinct can kick in at any time.


3.Should we buy the bird as a baby ?...


Re-homing an older bird is very rewarding, but they often come with baggage,considering what you have told us about your circumstances, i would personally advise a baby for you. ( just my opinion )


4. How big of a cage do i need?...


The cage in the link is far to small for a grey,it's the wrong shape.Big is best,always go for the biggest cage you can.Greys love to climb around on the bars etc..Width & depth are far better than height.


5. What is the dif between the Timneh and Congo African Greys other than color and size? ...


A CAG or a TAG is just a personal choice,i have both & they are equal in my books apart from the obvious size & colour.Personalities will depend on individual birds,the only thing to perhaps point out is going back to the plucking,i rarely come across much info on the net pertaining to TAG's plucking, they can & do but i think it's more the CaG's.



Heather you often find that there has been no replies to new topics because we are a worldwide forum, the time difference's are vast among us, you are probably fast asleep as i type & if you are Good morning to you :)

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Hello Ross, you have been given some excellent advice from both Heatherstrella and Lovemygreys on the questions you asked so I won't answer each one individually but I will give my opinion on a few.


Bigger is better on the cage size, they need room to be able to open their wings fully and flap without touching the sides of the cage.


Cags tend to be a little larger in body size than the Tags with the other obvious differences in beak color and tail color so that might be a factor in your decision.


We do try to answer as quickly as possible but with time differences the response time can vary.


Ross and Erin, why don't you introduce yourselves in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you two.:)

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Darn... I wrote out a response and my browser closed randomly before it submitted :(

Here goes again:


Hi Ross and Erin,


I am inclined to agree with the comments so far.


In terms of cage size, it's too small for a grey. And as Lovemygreys pointed out, it's an awkward shape. For the same price there are some very good quality, larger cages. Since you're based in the U.S. they are readily available and generally have free shipping.


If you dog gets along well with the other birds, it will probably be fine with the grey. My CAG and dog tolerate each other. I think my dog is afraid of him. I'd just be sure to watch them when they're out together.


I'm biased, since I love my CAG so much, but I'd suggest a grey over a cockatoo. If your biggest concern about getting a grey is a propensity to feather-pluck a cockatoo may not be the best alternative. They are incredibly intelligent, beautiful, wonderful companion birds; however, if you are considering one it is important to know everything you can before you purchase. I have met several people who are in similar situations to what is described on this site who purchased a cockatoo and did not realize the amount which is required to maintain a good relationship with the bird:



I've never re-homed an older grey, so I can't advise you on that. However, I did raise my grey from a baby and it was incredibly rewarding. How early you are able to take your grey home also depends heavily on the breeder. Some will not let them leave until they are fully-weaned. Others will let you take them home while they are still hand-feeding as long as you attend some sessions with the breeder. Unfortunately I only have a list of some local Canadian breeders, but I'm sure there is one online for those in the States.

I'd also suggest discussing this with an avian vet. They are usually acquainted with friendly, competant and reliable breeders and more than willing to suggest one.


Good Luck! :)

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I have a cookatoo and a grey, both are plucker's. Our Grey was a re-home 4 year old plucker( his ownwer before his died). We done everything we can think of and he still plucks, but not as bad in the begining. Other than that he's a great pet. He does fine with our 2 small dogs, and our other birds. For cage as the bigger the better! and about stainless steel cage none of our cages are stainless steel and we have two macaw's, but that really up too you. And you wanted know about other material playgym and tree out a good thing to look into also.

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Heather you often find that there has been no replies to new topics because we are a worldwide forum, the time difference's are vast among us, you are probably fast asleep as i type & if you are Good morning to you


Ya, I figured that. After I read his questions, I kept seeing his name under "who's online" and couldn't help but think he was waiting for a reply...I'd leave and come back and he'd still be here. I felt like I should do something even though I don't feel I am kowledgable enough.

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If you don't want a pluker get a Timnah they are not as high strung as a congo and less likely to pluck the intelegence is the same. as for cages get the largest rectangle cage you have room for this is my cage it is very simalar to the other cage that Heather showed you except mine has a play top I also have a cockatoo they are very needy and scream alot more than a Grey does my Grey doesn't scream at all they are quite quiet they just talk your ear off once they learn how be very careful what you say they only have to hear something once. my bird has a huge vocabulery and she's only 5yrs old i could not imagine life without her she is a wonderful companoin she ask for the thing she wants can recognise numbers up to 4 and knows 3 different colors they really are quite amazing Pat


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Thanks everyone for the responses. This really helps out a ton. I believe we will be looking around the Midwest area for a breeder in the next month or so. As far as my wife being home for the year. She is between school trying to get into med school. she had to take a year off and she will be getting a part time job so i dont think the bird will get too attached when she has to go back to school. Ill start looking for a bigger cage. thanks again


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