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New chewing behavior


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Over the last 3 days or so, I've noticed Rigel exhibiting a new chewing behavior. When he's just hanging out on his perch, he'll sit there and chew for hours, but there's nothing in his mouth.


Here is a quick clip on YouTube which if you listen carefully you can hear him smack his tongue. Does anyone have experience with this particular behavior. Is it something to be concerned about?


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Are you sure he isn't chewing some gum there, the way he is rolling around his tongue I would swear that is what it looks like to me but I know you didn't give him any gum, guess it is just something he has started doing, I wouldn't be too concerned if that is all it is.:S :cheer: :whistle: :blink: :laugh: :P

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More than likely, he's chewing on either one of his old foot scales or has found a small feather ( most likely from the head ). They chew on those items for hours. They roll it around the tongue and chew without swallowing it.

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