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Help naming the babies?!


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Hello. As some of you may remember, I had a TAG. Well, I no longer have him. I had him for 5 days... he was cage aggressive and wanted nothing to do with me. I'm sure that with time he would have come around and grown to trust me but he ended up going to live with a girl who has a rescue CAG and was looking for a TAG. The TAG went right to her and cuddled up with her immediately, cooing and snuggling with her and there was simply no question. I knew that he wanted to go home with her. I was sad and even cried a bit but I'd only had him 5 days so it was tolerable and knowing that he loved her right away helped. (though it made me wonder what I was doing wrong)


Anyway, I have my Senegal and we've decided to name him Pippin as he's a lovable pain in the ass... just like Peregrin Took. I kind of want to name the Grey Gandalf... is that way too cheesy? I've loved LOTR's since I was around 6 or so (well the Hobbit first) but since the movies came out it seems there will be hundreds of Greys named Gandalf. Thoughts?<br><br>Post edited by: Pchela, at: 2008/09/29 07:11

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Hello Melisa, I'm sorry it didn't work out for you and your Tag but it seems he has a new home now and maybe that was for the best. Now you have a Cag so let this one stay in your life, remember it is a lifetime committment you make with one of these birds.:P


If you want to name your baby Gandalf I don't see why not, some names are more popular than others but who cares, if that is the name you like best then use it.:cheer:

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Definitely name him Gandalf if you want to. I think it's a great name for grey. I don't think cheese is really an issue in pet names... For example: mine is named "Edison" and I think it just wreaks of my nerdiness. But I love it, and as far as I can tell, so does he.


Your bird will love whatever you call him :)

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Thanks guys! BTW- I think Edison rocks!


Judy, I hear what you are saying. Trust me, it was no easy thing letting the TAG go but I really did feel that she was better for him. If you would have seen the way he reacted to her immediately. I really did go into it having researched for months and absolutely prepared for a lifetime commitment. I felt like a terrible person letting him go and I struggled with the decision. Seriously, there is no way in hell this baby is ever leaving me, and if something happens to me, the husband and daughter had better take good care of him!


I keep up with the TAG, his name is Vincent and he is doing so well for her that I'm convinced I made the right decision. It's almost like I picked him up for her at the bird fair. They were clearly meant for each other.


*sigh* Wow. I have guilt! I never thought I'd be a person to give up a bird. :(

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Don't feel guilty you did the right thing the same thing happened to me sort of the woman who first rescued Tyco had her for a year she would fly at her face and just absolutly hated her. for no apparent reason. she tried everything to get her to like her she had another Grey and aGoffin Cockatoo as well and thse bird worship the ground she walks on but Not Tyco well when I walked into the house Tyco got very excited and wanted to be with me imediatly let me kiss her beak and pick her up something she was never able to do Tyco is now my bird and she's so much happier with me.She Used to barber her flight feathers on one wing and it would make her so off balance that she would fall and hit her keel bon really hard it was just awful. She no longer barbers her wing like she used to or anything like that and she learned so much since she been here its quite amazing.Tyco picked me. thats the best way to get a bird as they will always love you it was love at first sight PatTyconew.jpg


Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/05/16 09:48<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/05/16 09:55

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Melisa I know it was no easy decision to let that Tag go but sometimes its just not meant to be and you recognized that and he found a new home, just like Pat had happen to her, the bird made the best decision for you and do not feel quilty, be very happy as the bird is happy now. Now you have another grey for as one door closed another one opened, it was meant to be this way.

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Awww... thanks so much ladies! That does make me feel better. I do know that he's happy now and that's the most important thing. You're right.




BTW- Tyco is beautiful! And lucky he found you!


Post edited by: Pchela, at: 2008/05/16 19:44<br><br>Post edited by: Pchela, at: 2008/09/29 07:13

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I seriously considered naming my Quaker Pippin before deciding on the name Sprite. I'm a Lord of the Rings fan too and think the name Gandalf is great for a Grey! I understand wanting to have him sexed first though. I am one of those people who just has to know for sure lol.

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I seriously considered naming my Quaker Pippin before deciding on the name Sprite. I'm a Lord of the Rings fan too and think the name Gandalf is great for a Grey! I understand wanting to have him sexed first though. I am one of those people who just has to know for sure lol.

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